
To everyone in the comments: It’s okay. You can admit what DeSantis is doing is absolutely an authoritative abuse of power without having to hem and haw about Disney to try and keep your “progressive” credibility.

The MPA uses their own rating system to avoid being subjected to a patchwork of state and federal government regulations. Regulations that would likely be regularly overturned on First Amendment grounds.

I hope a bird shits on him too.

It’s ok when the NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, DHS, Meta, Google, Microsoft, etc. do it because they’re the good guys. But CHINA BAD!

One of these right wing douchecanoes was grifting his donors??? NO WAY

Honestly, that bit comes off almost like an insightful joke about how washed-up aging comedians try to stay relevant in 2023. “No one is laughing at my jokes. Maybe I should try saying hateful bullshit about trans people and liberals.” Just replace Jerry with Dave Chapelle or Louis CK and you’ve practically got a

and that’s the response that always happens. People like you scream about whataboutism the moment you have no response to a point. instead of actually proposing a solution that would also cripple the spying and propaganda influence of all social media (which is what we need even if it limits the ability of the US

Is TikTok sending my data to the Chinese? Probably. Meta sells my data to Republicans and Google sells it to advertisers. At least TikTok gives me silly little videos to help with my ever-decreasing attention span.

Instead of banning a singular app, why don’t they work towards better digital privacy laws?

Meanwhile all these people think Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon having even more data on users, selling it, actively using it to manipulate people is perfectly fine.

It’s all performative bullshit. If the CCP really wanted all that data on Americans, they would just buy it from Facebook or any of the other unregulated data brokers selling detailed information on Americans to whoever wants it. If these guys really cared, they would pass privacy laws that protect Americans from ALL

If we want this industry to continue to grow and create great stuff, it has to start being better to the creative people making all this stuff.

I’ve taken the liberty of updating the summons for the new M rating.

This whole twitter thing should convince everyone to join a Union now.

If you can be a CEO of 4 companies at the same time, it means CEOs don’t contribute any value to the company

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.

Guided Frame might have been intended for blind/impaired vision individuals, but it will 100% be used by wannabe influencers who are not blind/vision-impaired to “confirm” that they are doing it “right.”

Pretty much all quality office chairs (and esp. American-based brands that still build at least some of their models domestically, such as HM and Steelcase) start around a grand, or near as makes no difference. If your employer is buying cut-rate Chinese crap at Office Depot, you can take it as an ironclad sign

Nah, much better to rely on a phrase from a ruling that was overturned.

This. This is absolutely why people who do the “you shouldn’t give attention to it” dance fail to understand. That by not responding to it, we are giving the implicit approval that NFT’s (or the ways crypto nerds want to run it) are valid.