
I may be oversimplifying, but the point of the 2nd Amendment is to allow people to resist the police, correct?”

Under DeSantis, insurance companies have pulled out of Florida, leaving thousands of homes uninsured. He’s picked fights with some of the states biggest employers, causing jobs to leave the state. And education in that state has dwindled due to his inept, reactionary policies.

Probably the fact that such a law is simply unjust, whereas this is related to actual crimes that Trump did.

The story is the STOCK IS SHORTED.”

As a former software engineer, I know how easy it is to build a Twitter-like app.”

The “he didn’t akshully write it” argument doesn’t hold water. Sure, he may not have, but he still chose to select that song to be one of his. He could have easily passed on the song.

I guess it’s too much to ask that people not be complete pieces of shit.

None of these people are capable of personal growth. The Republican Congressman who was shot in a mass shooting was one of the biggest opponents of any kind of gun control.

I would be surprised too, if that were true. Trademarks and Patents are not the same thing.

I still think he is actively destroying Twitter on purpose.”

I guess the question is, do the tickets cost the same as before all these shenanigans, or are tickets priced at what the upcharge rate was?

He was out jogging, you racist fuck. He was not stealing a damn thing, but you believe being black is an excuse for lynching. Fuck off.

Same here. It makes YouTube incredibly bearable.

They literally killed him because he was black. Are you claiming it wasn’t a lynching because they didn’t hang him? Cause that’s really fucking delusional.

That vid is from Turning Point”

They said, “

Proving what? Because they’re saying they disagree about being LGBT. That very much is bigoted.

Occasionally needing an employee to skip a break or work through lunch is “abuse”

They’re using your likeness. Meaning they recognize that your likeness has value.

No, you’re absolutely wrong. The fact that other employers get away with abusing their employees should NOT be normalized, and someone asking for the bare minimum of not being abused is not them asking for special treatment.