
But they weren’t. It was Twitter. So the idea that Twitter has not had any kind of positive impact on society is without merit.

Well, before Musk, it paid quite well. After Musk, probably the only thing is that it is a paycheck, which will tide you over while you find a new job. Or you’re on a visa, and you have no choice.

The Arab Spring and the #MeToo movement would like to have a word with you.

No. Nobody flocks to work for Elon. People choose to work for Tesla and SpaceX because they are doing cutting edge things, and choose to put up with Musk. Twitter is not such a thing. Nobody is going to put up with this or the 12 hour days he’s demanding to work for Twitter.

Ahh yes, the RoboTaxi, which will run using the famously released and not at all buggy Full Self Driving mode.

I fail to see how it’s going to lower salaries. Those ranges already existed before this law; they just weren’t made public.

Being a shithead is not a mental illness, though.

““Deserve to exist” is a political phrase used to smear people who have legitimate objections on this issue.”

No, what they do is claim they’re not ideal in order to lowball them on salary.

“If the idea of letting people with opinions you don’t like”

Twitter was already profitable before Musk’s takeover.

The mechanics of Twitter have been recreated several times over, from Mastodon to Gab to Parler and Truth Social. The technical details are decently well known, although they change quite a bit when you need to scale to Twitter level. The “secret sauce”, so to speak, is the same with every social media site: The

The exact same thing could be said about any other comment site, including here.

This site absolutely has people trying to impress others through their posts. This site is as much social media as Twitter is.

Because then they have to admit they screwed up at some point, instead of being able to think that they’ve been in the right, and society has wronged them this whole time.

And once again, you’re doing the same thing. Pretending that there’s some huge difference between a twitter post and a comment on a news story is just you trying to convince yourself you’re not what you’re demonizing.

And you trying to claim that there’s any difference between commenting here or on Twitter doesn’t make you right. You’re doing the exact same thing that you deride Twitter users for. You just can’t seem to accept that.

Sure, buddy. You just happen to think everyone is interested in your thoughts enough to comment.

But see, then those people would have to be willing to spend money on things. And that reduces the amount that they can take home through grift.

If they’re not in power, then they’ll likely be found liable when they direct people to commit crimes.