
Which specific conservative opinions are controversial?

Everyone already assumed you were a giant piece of shit. You didn’t have to add onto it.

The mental illness being believing that LGBT representation is in any way harmful to people.

Musk can easily pay for this service several times over. The only reason he won’t is because his feewings got hurt.

How are they indoctrinating anyone any more than shows with straight people are indoctrinating people into a heterosexual lifestyle?

No. That pithy statement excuses people from thinking, because it implies that there is never anything that’s actually true.

There was no annexed territory. Therefore, it’s not a peace plan, it’s a surrender plan. Again, if Putin truly wants peace, all he has to do is remove all Russian troops from the entirety of Ukraine. Anything less is not peace.

It really is a big ask.

“he wanted to buy Twitter and open it back up for free speech”

Again, no, that’s not a peace deal. That’s a surrender deal. If Putin truly wants peace, all he has to do is pull his troops out. Anything less than that is not a peace deal.

“i mean, i understand you don’t care. i am saying it is bizarre and irrational.”

It makes perfect sense. I would far prefer that the political message have to go out to all, rather than be specifically targeted at a few people.

Putin has offered no peace deal whatsoever. Anything that isn’t him unilaterally pulling his troops out of Ukraine and paying for the damage done is not a peace deal.

Again, I still don’t care. Targeting on that level is not something that should ever have been allowed.

If Musk was acting in good faith, then this stay should be good enough. That’s a pretty big if, though.

I work from home, so I spend almost all of my day in a chair in front of my computer. I’m going to invest in a high quality chair that I’m going to use for years and that isn’t going to make my body ache.

I’m going to point out that I give zero fucks for the idea of “ROI” and “efficiency” when it comes to political advertising. Show one, show all.

And people run companies.

You said that they had to do something, because the company was losing hundreds of millions of dollars. I asked for proof that a significant amount of that, enough to overcome how hostile actions like this will turn customers off from going there, was coming from theft. You then came back and accused me of supporting

I really fail to see why any more “targeting” is needed than at the district or precinct level. If you want to show an ad for or against a candidate, then you should be required to show it to everyone in that district. No more of these bullshit hypertargeted ads where you say your opponent is a baby eating devil