
“Our controls do not filter out entire topics or viewpoints, as this could have negative effects for viewers, like creating echo chambers.”

Probably stings so much because it’s true.

“Cloudflare global head of public policy Alissa Starzak said they finally decided to act and drop Kiwi once they saw “some things that were really direct threats, some very specific information about things that were planned.””

No. Inevitably, the consequences of those scammers never fall on the scammers. They fall on the family of those who get scammed, and eventually on the rest of society. Plus, you don’t have people sinking their entire life savings into the bullshit you listed.

People who think that others deserve to be doxxed and driven to suicide, like you, are why the internet is a cesspool.

Twitter has the same freedom of speech and association to decide they don’t want to associate with you racist assholes.

The only way that comes in is if they weren’t doing anything with it. As they’re still selling the books, the trademark still applies. If they had not sold anything with that trademark in years, then they would have to renew.

Ok, it is clear that you are simply a transphobe who is trying to justify the harassment and driving to suicide of trans people simply for existing. Please go reexamine your life and why you think this is ok before engaging anyone on this topic again because you come across as oblivious and childish.

The main difference between this and other bills seeking to regulate moderation (or prevent it, in the case of Texas and Florida), is that this on seeks to require disclosure of what companies are doing, and how much they’re doing it. I could say that my policy is that anyone who denies Gouda is the best cheese in the

“You still can’t add you own music without going through CryTunes”

“So Android’s making boundary-pushing folding phones”

Wow, ok. Just keep making shit up because you believe that KF was in the right to try and drive her to suicide.

Honestly, to me, the hair kinda looks like a fusion of Marth and another classic FE character who’s name I can’t think of right now.

Not to mention, the jackasses that built huge mining rigs aren’t just going to get rid of them. They’re going to switch over to mining other crypto.

Didn’t happen, but thanks for outing yourself as a pile of shit.

No, it doesn’t. Musk’s stated reason for wanting to buy Twitter in the first place was to remove the bots. And Twitter hasn’t lied at all about the number of bots, because they don’t report on that; they report on the number of people shown ads. They’ve never really tried to represent a blanket “number of bots” on

Compared to what she’s gone through? Absofuckinglutely.

The problem with that statement is that people who do racist actions, but without racist intent, feel that they’re still ok with doing those things, because they’re “not racist,” since they didn’t have racist intent.

Shit, you’re gonna get a bunch of crypto-bros trying to “outsource” the actual volunteering to homeless people or something, and think of themselves as being innovative.

So he thinks more people will volunteer... if you pay them?