
Funny how conservatives never have to “toughen up” when it comes to LGBT people existing.

Stop supporting anti LGBT policies.

They also had the thing where players could take on the role of automated TSA scanners in exchange for in game rewards.

“some players will always go wherever they can make more money.”

And by doing so, you’re defending them, pretending that they did something worthwhile. The truth of the matter is, this world would have been a much, much, much better place without any of them. There was no value whatsoever in anything KF did. 

Yea its called freedom of speech. You have to let the bad speech happen as well”

Actually no, because literally their only reason for being was to dox and cyberbully people into killing themselves. There is no legitimate reason to defend them in any way, shape or form.

Nope, fuck that shit.

And yet, literally everything we’ve seen is that most of them don’t. When Alex Jones was kicked off mainstream social media, his influenced plummeted. Same with Milo.

“The thing about Kiwi Farms is that, as much of a shithole as the place was, it was still useful in keeping tabs on some of the worst people in the public”

That you’re so upset that a site who’s only purpose was to get people together who wanted to harass, dox, and drive trans people to suicide speaks volumes about you.

Persecuting piles of shit who’s only hobby is doxxing, harassing and driving to suicide trans people? Absofuckinglutely. There is literally nothing redeeming about KF, and anyone who makes any attempt at defending them is showing they’re in favor of trans people being driven to suicide.

“There should be more conservative outlets or forums.”

Go fuck yourself. You’re defending a bunch of bigots doxxing, harassing, and driving people to suicide for the some crime of existing. There is no, and I fucking repeat NO free speech both sides bullshit to be had here.

No, it’s entirely up to Cloudflare. They have decided that siding with transphobic bigots who choose to actively attack trans people is what they want to do.

No. I guarantee you that the agreement you sign when you start selling things on Steam says that they have the right to decide what they do and do not want to sell.

Being a shithead is NOT a mental illness.

Yeah, that’s all complete horseshit. Allowing them in the public means they will have MORE power to recruit, whereas deplatforming does work. The influence of assholes like Alex Jones and Milo plummeted once they were kicked off Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

“so, what is gambling if it isn’t about taking risky actions for a money gain”

I mean, isn’t the stock market gambling as well?”