
Sadly, the only way you could get it is if you were to compel politicians to go on certain shows. As it is, Republicans will never appear outside of Fox News and the like, because they know they’ll get hammered with stuff like that.

This sounds like something that should have been there from the beginning, but should bring a better sense of safety and privacy.

Not at all. Just examples showing that “ignore it” doesn’t work.

“15years off the internet? how about 30. The trolls only bother you if you let them.”

“Want kiwifarms to go away? Ignore them.”

“I think we are seeing encouragement, on the G/O level, of transphobic behavior”

“DBs are centrally managed, but a blockchain architecture would give more power to the users.”

Nope. In this case, literally is literally the correct word.

This would not be that time.

There’s literally nothing that a “blockchain” would bring to such a project that a traditional database setup wouldn’t do better and more efficiently.

Right, but that doesn’t cover the update to 2.1 and beyond.

Wow. Every single thing you said is wrong.

“Maybe if the Apple staff wants to work from home, they could take a pay cut.”

“Remote workers produce less, and of lower quality, and have less professionalism than people in the office.”

So now you’re saying the internet trolls should get to dictate who gets to make money online.

Why should she be the one required to go offline? What you’re suggesting is that the shitty transphobes should be allowed to decide who gets to be online.

No. Those things were explained in the game, and in the manual. Quite frankly, things like the spells are explained the exact same way today as they were then, and nobody things they’re “unintuitive” today.

“What’s unintuitive is how the choice in spells matters at all.”

They have, they’re just not the Final Fantasy games. Octopath Traveler was this; Live A Live is this. Bravely Default/Bravely Second is this.

I don’t think I can really buy that explanation. The system of numbers is still what underpins all of the more action oriented FF games. It’s why, when in FF7 Remake, if you hit the dodge/block button, you might not actually dodge or block. The numbers are still determining what you can and cannot do.