
Except it doesn’t do any of that. There’s no such thing as “excess power”, and when they turn off, they’re not actually providing any more power to be available.

But times are not “tough” right now, especially for tech companies. They are still making incredible amounts of profit.

I think one of the things that caused the movement to lose steam is the rise of surveillance capitalism. While many of the enhancements or augmentations might be useful or even just cool, the thought of these data brokers being able to spy that much more invasively on me than is already possible gives me the creeps.

Do you think the SCOTUS cares?

I guess one of the reasons MK9 hasn’t come out, aside from MK8 selling so well, is that, well, where do you go from here? What could it bring to the table that would be an improvement over the current iteration?

Because people discussing things in good faith totally believe that talking about ones abuse and the abuse itself are the same thing.

I think it’s that, running a marketplace like this is akin to selling shovels during a gold rush.

No, you’d still have us be discussing this because your concern trolling is simply there to make it seem like she’s somehow to blame for this. You don’t give a crap about the actual harassment, you just want to somehow make it seem justified.

No, you’re being a liar. I am saying that talking about the abuse you receive is nowhere near the same as those who are hurtling that abuse, and there is no justification whatsoever for banning someone for talking about abuse they have received.

“It’s a shame that you can’t reply in a respectful, civilized way.”

“At no point did I state that I share the same views as the lady in the article.”

The “don’t hate the player, hate the game,” bullshit needs to stop. She’s an adult, and is fully capable of taking responsibility for her own actions.

It’s still not an excuse for a 3 minute flight.

It’s ok for streamers to be banned for talking about the abuse they receive, but not ban the abusers?

Yes, it does boil down to how it affects their profits. And people like you are upset that it turns out allowing Nazis on Twitter is bad for business.

Once again, you seem to have this idea that Twitter should be obligated to allow terrible things like this on their site. The result being that people who are the targets of that hate will leave the site. Meaning you don’t believe trans people don’t deserve to be on twitter.

“Wow. I did not expect to receive so much hate for my comment.”

Twitter absolutely should decide what they want to leave up and not on their site. By leaving this hateful garbage on their site, they’d shown that they do not like trans people.

Nope, it’s pure hate.

“put your request/position/argument in writing and send it to them via mail or email.”