
It was also the engine used to make things like Hollow Knight.

“I mean, there’s a big difference between Facebook and Google and the US Government.”

If you’re only concerned because it’s China, then yes, it is xenophobic. Rather than just going after China, why not go after all of them? Facebook and the US Government have a far greater capability to affect me than China does.

“I work in the field and people have no idea how powerful private data is”

Ok, and? If I never go to China?

And again, how? What can China do to me that Facebook or Google or the US Government can’t?

Why is it better that Facebook has my data rather than anyone else?

The only one working on emotion here is you, by pretending that people don’t have sex for pleasure, and not just procreation. By your lack of reason, a couple which cannot bear children doesn’t deserve to be married either.

Funny how, when it comes to medical procedures, there’s no right to it, but when it comes to purchasing weapons of war for which the only use is to kill many people in a short amount of time, no state can decide for themselves what to do.

Nope, but thanks for showing your ass.

How, exactly? What specifically can China do to me with this data that the US Government can’t?

And? Those states are not the tops for murders, per capita.

Let’s be real, this isn’t Newsom himself posting, it’s likely someone from the communications office.

I mean, except for this one.

How do any of these hucksters explain away the fact that the web is already decentralized?

As much as I liked Rescue Rangers, there’s a number of episodes that have, well, not aged well, to put it charitably. In the one about the Maltese Mouse, it opens up with a chase through Chinatown that is about as culturally sensitive as the episode described above. It ends up with the Rescue Rangers agreeing to

Because I don’t know for a fact that I won’t be incriminated by saying something.

It’s not looking good. And unfortunately, most people don’t give a shit about one party being completely in support of a coup to end democracy.

“They are all the same”

“If you won’t talk because if you do, you’ll be incriminating yourself, you’re admitting to wrongdoing/committing a crime.”