
“I’m shocked that ‘pleading the fifth’ isn’t considered an admission of guilt”

“2000 Mules”

“I think everyone needs some perspective here.”

“LGBT+ thrown in our faces”

“Everything this admistration has done to destroy our economy in one year”

“So much of this is just needlessly misleading,”

“straight white Christian community”

Except they’re already involved in politics. “Not getting involved in politics” would also mean things like not lobbying against minimum wage increases, not lobbying against food safety regulations, etc, etc.

“Punished by people like you”

No, it really doesn’t. You’re claiming that they were punished, and that what they were doing was a good deed, instead of just an advertisement. Neither of which has any backing in reality.

The reason the CEO gets blamed is because they are the leader of the company. Outrageous CEO pay gets defended by saying, “They’re responsible for the entire company! They deserve that level of compensation for the responsibility they take!” So then yeah, they also deserve all the blame for what their shitty company

How is this a “good deed”? And how are they being “punished”? They’re being called out for their silly stunt while not doing anything actual to support the LGBT community.

“So if a company shows any support, they are evil”

“Whatever-washing” is a common term for this kind of thing, starting with white-washing. It’s kinda like adding -gate to any kind of scandal.

“But why is that a bad thing?”

It’s not that the action itself is offensive, it’s that companies tend to do things like this in June to pretend like they’re allies of the LGBT community, without actually doing anything to support the community. No, they shouldn’t rainbow color their fries, or even come up with a new menu item. They should actually

People who subscribe to “hustle porn culture” have the idea that, if you’re not grinding every moment of every day, if you’re not able to monetize everything you do, you’re falling behind.

There still isn’t a good answer as to why this needs to be all “web3/blockchain”! Even pretending that the game itself is going to be fun to play (which seems to be a pretty big leap of faith), what does blockchain bring to the game? Selling items between players doesn’t need blockchain to facilitate; Diablo 3 had

It hasn’t become controversial to talk about Twitter bots. And advertisers are getting a clear answer as to what their reach actually is.

It’s amazing how much people will refuse to understand things when their fortune depends on not understanding it. The idea that anyone can be productive for 80-100 hour weeks for any amount of time, let alone on a regular basis, is absolutely asinine. People need rest. Of course, Musk chooses to ignore this, because