
Why do you care more about the speech of TERFs and white nationalists than you do of the targets of their hate?

Has he been in trouble with Twitter? The only thing I can think of is that account that tracks his private jet usage.

How can one be worried about “free speech” on one hand, but banning math textbooks because they have “Cee Are Tee” in them on the other?

The market value going down reflects the shareholder’s belief that the offer would be bad, or is not legit. If they were in favor of it, then the price would go up to the price Musk offered.

No. This kind of thing was what the board was elected to do. And given that the stock price slumped after the announcement, it did not seem like shareholders were that enthusiastic about the offer.

“A good sign as to whether there is free speech is, is someone you don’t like allowed to say something you don’t like?”

I’m not getting what you’re trying to pearl clutch at. Yes, anti-vaxxers can be the ones behind the unnecessary and expensive recall, and yes, he can have done something shitty here.

I’m pretty sure that was exactly what they said. They like working in an office (as do I), but it’s shitty to mandate it.

Popehat’s Rule of Goats applies: Even if you’re fucking goats ironically, you’re still fucking goats.

Most people probably would prefer if companies were staying out of government, true. But the fact of the matter is, they are deeply involved in government. And as long as they are, then we should pressure them to pressure lawmakers to not pass extremely bigoted bills.

No, they paused ALL donations. Including to those working to stop the bill.

And yet, it always does. There is no example whatsoever of NFTs adding to gameplay.

So now instead of playing a game for fun, it turns into work, where you have to buy the card you need to win. This is on top of all the other, normal arguments about NFTs, namely that there is absolutely nothing that a Blockchain does here that couldn't be done better and more efficiently through normal means

I’m feeling kind of the same way. The Forest Temple boss really encapsulated that for me. When the camera and lock on system are the reason I can’t hit the boss’s weak point, either because I can’t see that I’m not next to the weak point, or I can’t see that I am next to the weak point, or because the system randomly

Why are people so gung-ho about talking about sexual things”

No, we’ve all read the bill.

Exercise their fucking muscle. They have absolutely no qualms in getting other legislation they don’t like quashed or with huge carve outs (remember Florida’s social media bill and the giant, mouse sized exception in it?)

I’ve never really played a Souls-like, but it seems like the thing that really makes them hard is that, if you get hit, you’re going to take huge amounts of damage, so you can’t really get hit more than once or twice by anything. Does that seem accurate?

No, fuck that whole thing. Their “views” are that trans people don’t deserve to exist.

What, exactly, are the “possible future health ramifications” of puberty blockers?