
Sparse, cinematic UI is just fine. However, one of the issues I’ve seen come up about the Elden Ring UI is that nothing is explained. And while over-tutorializing things is definitely a problem, assuming that everyone knows exactly what everything means right off the bat is too. In ages past, this kind of thing could

And yet, the end result if you don’t get either is the same.

Literally no drug is perfect, but I don’t see this same kind of bullshit concern trolling over other treatments that kids take, like chemo.

Most of the hate is because much of what you stated just isn’t true. Most of the ghost kitchens are either an existing restaurant having a second brand on delivery apps, or the delivery apps themselves setting them up themselves to pressure real restaurants to “play ball” with them. “Oh, you don’t want to pay 30% of

“Puberty starts at age 10-11. This is just way too young of an age for children to be allowed to make those decisions.”

“How are they not life changing medications?”

Puberty blockers are not “life changing medications”, and literally every study on the subject shows that allowing trans children to not go through the puberty of their birth assigned sex causes suicide rates to plummet. By not supporting puberty blockers for trans children, you are promoting their deaths.

Table top gaming and people who care about human decency crossover. Fixed that for you.

Isn’t this the hack that caused Ethereum to roll back the chain, thus eschewing all that “code is the law” and “it’s totally decentralized” bullshit?

and also why more re-routing couldn’t be done

I know, right? Why weren’t they more bullish on the Juicero?

I really, really, really hate this “web3 can erradicate poverty” bullshit. The cause of poverty is not getting paid enough for the work you do. That is it. Getting paid in Bitcoin rather than dollars is not going to change that.

Because that’s not the cause of inflation this time. Wages had been stagnant for quite some time beforehand.

It’s weird how, when it’s native people protesting pipelines and drilling on their land, the government is able to bust those protests quite easily, but when it comes to white nationalist truckers, suddenly it’s not easy. I’m unable to determine why.

Isn’t it crazy how concerned these people are over “religious freedom”, but show no concern at all over people who use that as a cover to dehumanize marginalized groups?

Squirdle Daily 28 - 2/8


That’s what we’re doing. We’re choosing not to support the platform that supports Rogan. We’re doing the thing you’re saying we should do.

WRONG. Rogan published his podcast quite successfully before Spotify came along.

“He was signed to be on a platform specifically because of his words, them removing him is literally silencing him.”

No, it isn’t. He was able to publish his podcast just fine before Spotify came along.