
It absolutely is whataboutism. You’re saying, “Why are you caring about this thing when you don’t care about this other thing!” Completely making up the idea that people who care about this don’t care about that.

What the hell are you on about? I guarantee you that everyone here who is for unionization at this studio is also for unionization at those places too. But this is a games website, not a retail worker website. So we’re talking about the game studio that’s organizing.

I’m really having a hard time understanding why people keep saying this, despite the constant evidence we get that propaganda does work, and not just on those that some would consider “low educated.” Further, it doesn’t have to work on everybody, just enough.

There was no hyperbole in my post.

USD and Steam Credits don’t burn down a rainforest for every transaction.

“Why does everything need to stay un-financialized?”

If you’re annoyed by Wordle results in your feed, why not just mute “Wordle”?

Why is that “all but guaranteed”? We’ve had games where you could “financialize your in game assets.” They universally sucked, because in order to make that a thing, you have to make the rest of the game worse for everyone else.

Nope. We know that it’s not the lack of web3"tech” that has been blocking this. Web3 wouldn’t change this if the publishers themselves don’t want it.

Oh, so close. You’ve almost got it.

Well, yeah. If they help people, that’ll help the brown people too.

Or, even simply, they saw that what drove Democrats over the line were minority voters, and they just decided to continue with their campaign to stop them from voting.

While I agree that such a law wouldn’t be as simple as “No scalping consoles,” laws against ticket scalping have been on the books for quite a while. I can’t see why it would be similar.

This reminds me of the jackass who tried to set up an automated system to make reservations at restaurants so that he could then sell them. Or the other jackass who wanted to do something about the wait times for calling the IRS... so he made a system to flood the IRS phone lines, and would sell a place in line to

I mean, everyone who has used the phrase “job creator” in a non-ironic context is a complete piece of shit, so I guess that fits.

It’s crazy how many people think that the only reason you’d think these things are dumb is because you “don’t understand,” when those who mock them are the ones that demonstrate the greatest understanding of the technology and the problems with it, and those who defend it can’t come up with anything but “You don’t

No, you can't. With those things, the only way to get the physical item is to buy it. I can't get the action figure without someone buying it. I can get the pictures the en eff tee points to without buying anything.

They don't talk about any potential positives because there are none.

Dorothy Lynch?

Those people are the absolute worst. “I don’t think you should be able to exist here. Wait, why are you getting divisive? Why can’t you be civil to me, after I said you shouldn’t be able to exist here?”