
I mean, you’re refusing to look at what the moderator actually said. They claimed that any discussion of queerness is “politics”. You’re ignoring the fact that many queer people are banned from being who they are because of these shitty “no politics” clauses that only affect queer people.

Yeah, but here’s the problem: just about everyone who recognizes the threat that Jan 6 represents would probably already vote blue. But sadly, that’s really only an amount of leftists. Liberals, as well as many independents, don’t recognize this. As such, their decision on voting is going to be driven by things like

Yes, they were, because being queer was considered “politics”. Being straight isn’t. And no, I am NOT talking about people being “defined solely by their sexuality.” I am talking about people who choose to be up front about who they are, so that they don’t end up starting a game on a table only to find out later that

Yeah, but Carlson called out Cruz because, shortly after the events of Jan 6, he referred to the action, correctly, as a “terrorist attack”. Carlson called him out for not towing the party line that Jan 6 was a patriotic event populated by patriotic Americans, who happened to want to kidnap and execute Pelosi and AOC,

Way to purposefully miss the point. Again, you get to be straight, assumed to be straight, and not have any of your straightness considered “political”. You can talk about celebrities you find attractive and things of that nature and not face backlash for it. LBGTQ+ people cannot. Their very existence is “political”,

No, what we can’t wrap our heads around is why you would give a platform to fascists without any kind of pushback against them. Why you would have someone like Alex Jones on, especially after his claims that Sandy Hook was a hoax, and not push back on any of that at all.

“Munn had no background in gaming prior to G4. Munn is *literally* an actress by trade.”

Why don’t the shitty people just stop being shitty? Why do you seem to have this idea that the misogynists in the audience are entitled to behave like that?

So why do straight people get to talk about being straight, but gay people don’t get to talk about being gay?

“you are not allowed to discuss things of sexual nature in the global chat”

“But just why is it so important to state up front you’re Gay/Trans in Global chat? Just to make clear, it shouldn’t be contentious at all, and you’re a bigot if you believe it is.”

I mean, that’s almost always what “no politics” policies mean. It was stated in the original story part of the article: Mentioning that gay/trans/queer people exist is considered “politics”, whereas straight people being straight is not.

Hopefully, at the least, this causes those douchebag viewers to just go away.

The reason they were using a space heater, because the heat wasn’t working, is also a landlord issue.

Why should it be charges against a family that panicked in a fire, and not against the slumlord who didn’t have his building up to code? NYC requires auto-closing doors for that very reason. Not to mention the fact that the slumlord has multiple complaints against him for not having working heat.

I’m glad for them, but the fact that they had to sue to make their home livable is a huge part of the problem.

It should also be pointed out that, someone using a space heater means that their building supplied heat doesn’t work. And looking into the slumlord who runs this building, there are multiple complaints against him, many for not having heat. And yet, this slumlord is also on the Mayor’s transition team for housing!

Tortuous interference is when you are enabling others to break the ToS. That is entirely what the cheat manufacturer is doing. The entire purpose of their service is to break the ToS of the game. There is no other use for it whatsoever.

It wouldn’t, because it’s not being claimed that these cheaters infringed on their IP, but that they are assisting other players in violating the EULA of the game, what would be Tortious Interference. It doesn’t matter how the cheaters got into the game, what matters is that they are cheating.

If this could fit normal filters for these kinds of respirators, that would be awesome.