
“He’s not really threatening anybody”

We don’t have to imagine; we saw what happened when Kathy Griffin had that picture with Trump’s severed head.

Wouldn’t that depend entirely on who controls the House next year? If the GOP takes control of the House, then couldn’t Gosar get his committee positions restored?

An exercise for anyone who wants to claim this is “just joking” or “not a big deal”: Take the clip, and put your name where Gosar’s was, and the names of some of your bosses and the head of the company where AOC and Biden’s name were. Send that out to the company general Slack channel. See how much of a “joke” it’s

No, it wasn’t. This idea that “It’s a joke, bro!” is an excuse for being a despicable person needs to stop. He sent out a video clip depicting him violently killing one of his work colleagues. I know if I sent something like that in the company Slack, I’d be extremely lucky to only get a stern talking to and removal

Popehat’s Rule of Goats: Even if you’re fucking a goat “as a joke”, you’re still fucking a goat.

Islam wouldn’t be a thing for another 500 or so years after the time of the Bible.

It’s bad in that these are the same people that decided that storming the Capitol because their “king of kings” was defeated in the election. While this might be peaceful now, I doubt it stays that way.

I believe someone is already doing that. There’s some guy that was a regular at Trump rallies, and some QAnon dipshit claimed they were JFK Jr.

The worst part of all this NFT bullshit (well, aside from the environmental destruction and money laundering), is how shitty all of these images look. Like, if some artist, instead of just showing their work at a gallery, put their collection of different paintings up for sale as NFTs, that’d be one thing. But every

That’s the wrong way to think about it. If you want people to move away from Facebook, then the alternatives have to be easier to use than Facebook. Having it be harder is not going to encourage people to switch.

Not to mention, just about all of the suggestions do the same crap that Facebook does regarding spying on you. Google Photos as the alternative for Facebook? Really? How is that any better?

Except most of those other systems tend to rely on coalition building, which then gives disproportionate amounts of power to those weirdo fringe parties because neither of the 2 major parties tends to get enough votes to form government by themselves.

They can make Parker’s love interest a man, but it still has to be a redhead.

“Like Jan 6th is blown so out of proportion.”

You’re gonna have to cite sources on that one. Again, all one has to do is live in a state where housing costs are really high, and own a house. Property tax and income tax will likely do it. Also, the entire reason the SALT cap was put in was to punish people living in Blue States.

That’s the thing: It’s NOT a joke. Accepting that excuse for their behavior simply emboldens them to go further, and further, and further, until you get another Jan 6 event.

Not really. Most of the states this would affect (California, New York) subsidize the lower tax states. Even with allowing higher SALT deductions, they still send more in federal taxes than they receive back.

Not really. You mainly need to live in a high cost of living area. Buying a house in California, where housing costs are astronomical, and then having property taxes on that, could easily bring you afoul of the $10k cap.

No, repealing the State and Local Taxes deduction caps means that people who live in places like New York and California aren’t getting double taxed. One doesn’t have to be “wealthy” to have high income/property taxes.