
The one thing I don’t like about the hybrid approach is that it usually is accompanied by a hot-desking/hoteling desk system, where no one has an assigned desk. This can work well for those who don’t normally come into the office, but for someone who does routinely come into the office, it just feels alienating. You

The farm’s already been destroyed; it’s no longer having an environmental impact.

Can they really be claiming to “think differently” when their brand of racism, authoritarianism, and straight up bigotry has been a near constant for almost all of American history?

Literally none of that is true. Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention gold and silver.

You wouldn’t be correct in that assumption. Techies don’t skew just one direction; Silicon Valley has a lot of “Techno-libertarian” bros who would definitely be considered right-wing.

“I like him tbh, he’s a very good debater because he doesn’t talk over people”

Imagine if, instead of being truly evil people, these developers had done literally anything else constructive.

Just a reminder for everyone that there is absolutely no ethical way to make items that aid law enforcement.

Hard drives were the same way. They’d come off the line, and go through testing to make sure that they can hit the max advertised capacity (with some spare sectors as needed). Can’t hit 2TB? Well, can you hit 1.5? Cool, you’re now a 1.5 TB drive.

No, don’t pirate the game. That just gives them a different excuse as to why the game wasn’t successful (cheapskate pirates just not wanting to pay anything). Just don’t play the game. Then they have no other excuse.

“Gas, food, and materials prices have never been higher”

Here’s another person with Crohn’s hoping that you can find remission as well.

Is there anything currently exclusive to the Xbox Series X|S that isn’t also available on the Xbox One via Game Pass?

This article isn’t true at all. I’m not a PowerUp Pro member, and I was able to get one. The first couple rounds of stock they had this morning were reserved for those members, but after a little bit, they opened it to everyone.

Well, for one, these people are being elected to legislatures, and in several states have successfully gotten extremely regressive voter suppression bills passed.

On the flip-side, you have people dying while waiting for treatment in countries that have affordable or free healthcare”

The choice to accuse Democrats and Hollywood people of being pedophiles was not a random one. Something about accusing someone of being a pedophile makes other people kinda shut off the logical thinking part of their brain, in a huge “Think of the children” way.

“Hot take: supporting conservative politicians doesn’t necessarily make you anti-LGBTQ+.”

Wow! a guy made use of his legal rights and freedoms as a private citizen???”

Nothing here is “modern day McCarthyism”. Its the free fucking market. If I don’t want to support a dickhead’s work, I don’t have to. That’s entirely my First Amendment right, just like it was his First Amendment right to support those appalling candidates.