
What justification do you have in saying Sturgis was not a superspreader event? Or Trump rallies, one of which killed Herman Cain?

The idea that Twitch is a “family friendly” site is laughable

Why can’t you just… you know, not watch?

Does that also mean you shouldn’t discuss company policies in work channels? Cause that’s how this came about: People were upset that the founders weren’t doing anything about some inappropriate behavior, and the founders got mad that people were calling them out on doing nothing. 

Read the article. That’s not what this is about. People weren’t talking about Trump nonstop. Inappropriate behavior that the founders refused to do anything about is what brought this policy about. 

Keep in mind that this policy didn’t come about because people were constantly talking about Trump. This policy came about because of inappropriate behavior that the founders knew about, decided to not do anything about, and got upset when they were told that was wrong. 

But again, there are people who’s very existence can be considered “political”. A gay person talking about their marriage can be considered “political” to many, due to the idea of gay marriage being political. 

The problem with these policies is, “Who decides what is political?” There’s a huge part of this country that would still think gay marriage is “political”, and would say that an LGBT person talking about their marriage would be “political”. 

The people against policies like this aren’t wanting to constantly rant about politics like your coworker. What they recognize is that these policies are NEVER enforced equally, and that it’s generally marginalized people, who’s very existence is seen as political by many, are the ones that suffer. Your coworker would

I think it comes down to the same thing that a lot of police killings come down to: There is no one except a heavily armed agent of the state who is trained to kill without a second thought when you need help for a situation that doesn’t really call for that. If we could more easily call for mental health services,

Can somebody please explain to me in earnest the argument in support of having trans girls/women competing with cis girls/women when it demonstrably confers a competitive edge.”

Because literally no one has been murdered by police while complying with what the officer says. And literally no one has been murdered by police while being physically incapable of complying with officer instructions. You ass.

Except now you’re giving all your data to Facebook.

Why would you be on Apple’s side? Apple is leeching off developers, forcing that 30% for things that developers may not need. Epic doesn’t need distribution, payment processing, etc.

What’s he done to try and repent for his horrific anti-trans, anti-women views?

One of the biggest issues I had with FF7 Remake was that, it wanted to do action gameplay, but it still wanted everything to rely on stats. As in, just because you hit the dodge or block button, doesn’t mean you’re actually going to dodge or block. Which is really fucking terrible, from a control standpoint. If I hit

Sure. The point is, on an individual, per person basis, that’s still not going to be a whole lot per person. The cost of individuals pursuing legal action would be prohibitive relative to those damages.

How much do you think any given individual was damaged by this false claim?

What about the personal responsibility of the scalpers? Why do those who always scream “personal responsibility” always want to ignore the actions of a shitty person?

In addition to not having any moderation, I believe this was Parler’s biggest contribution: Allowing far-right grifters to grift right there on the app. Now medium-right grifters, like the Lincoln Project, can get in on it without having to leave the app.