
Counterpoint: Doordash is run by human beings who are fully capable of telling right from wrong, and fully capable of taking responsibility for their actions.

I guarantee you one of the Ds is going to ask him point blank if Trump should be impeached, and the asshole is going to do the same waffling.

I’m not sure about that. He might not be able to get a lot of laws passed, but he’d still be able to appoint the heads of regulatory agencies, and still get to nominate judges. And either the Senate stays with the GOP, or it barely flips, but not enough to override a veto.

They were white and doing it for “FREEDUM!”

It’s gonna be fun seeing all the posts from cheaters complaining that it’s their right to cheat in an online game, and that Blizzard is infringing on it. Followed by calls for them to be sued.

Libertarians are Republicans who are too timid to own up to being Republicans.

Wouldn’t the AFT be suing on behalf of the teachers bringing the suit? Otherwise how would other groups like the EFF and the ACLU bring suits about stuff?

“One complication, Cloudflare found, was that after kicking off the Daily Stormer, the company got a flood of complaints about the services it was providing to Black Lives Matter sites”

For this to work, men would have to be willing to take responsibility for their actions. But no, it’s always the woman’s fault.

I’m not exagurating when I say that all officials involved in such shenanigans need to be savagely, savagely beaten. At this point, that’s the only thing that they’ll respond to. They don’t give a flying fuck about anything else but their own grift.

Is it Kevin Smith that keeps bringing it up? I’m fairly certain I haven’t seen him talk about it, and it’s just other people that keep bringing it up.

It gets ignored because the question is horseshit.

So they kicked “Trump_2020" immediately, right?

You think that those attacks will only be focused on boomers? Remember, they’ve been going ever since Bill was governor of Arkansas. Those people weren’t boomers back then.

Except they, and moreso the people upset about what they’re going to do, claimed all their movers were motivated by “realism”. That had been proven false seven ways from Sunday. Yet, they still parrot the “realism” bullshit. That’s what makes them bigots.

The historically accurate argument has been debunked multiple times now. Continuing to use it just makes you one of those racist douche bags.

Your entire argument is built around erasing women and PoC from history. 

It’s the exact same thing that happened to Hillary Clinton. I have to imagine that the heads of the Republican Party have realized that she’s going to have aspirations for even higher office now. They’re getting the smear machine working early, so if/when AOC ever does run, they’ll have plenty of people that will say,

From what I heard this morning, they have, and the tanks are just going to be on display, not in some grotesque parade.

“what is wrong with charging what the market will bear even if that means only the rich get it?”