
Once again, you’re completely ignoring reality. These people are constantly on the record about their bigotry. And increasing national turnout isn’t going to help in areas where that bigotry is what voters want. National turnout doesn’t win local elections. 

Not in the districts they run. And that’s the only place it matters. I live in Southern California. What I think of a rep in Alabama doesn’t amount to anything. 

The problem being, for most of those GOP Reps, the No vote is a winning move in their home districts. 

We would all benefit by not allowing the rich to be able to subvert the law. Not the one on soliciting prostitution, but the one Florida has demanding that all records be public. 

Revenue and viewership for Infowars went down significantly after they were kicked off Twitter and Facebook. Deplatforming works. 

I like this idea, cause I like variety, and sometimes playing the same game for 60 hours before moving on can get stale.

I mean, it was about state’s rights. Their rights to own people. 

The name of the bear was not revealed, however. 

It cuts off right before he says “ass-bucket”, though :(

You’re conflating things that are not in the least bit the same, and thinking it makes you look smart. It doesn’t. You’re entirely fine with all of management at a company banding together to exert there power on individual workers, but you abhor the idea of workers getting to band together to match that power. 

I flat out do not give a flying fuck why they are doing it. They are aiding and abetting white supremacy; therefore they are white supremacists. 

And by “disagrees with”, you actually mean “incites death threats.”

Except the entire point of a company is people banding together to make more money. Why should labor not be able to do the same thing? Why do you feel that all of the power in the employment relationship should be on the side of the bosses?

Nothing in your statement is true in the least. All it does is show that you’re perfectly fine with companies trying to get the the most money they can, but you absolutely abhor labor trying to do the same. 

There is absolutely no valid reason for a binding arbitration agreement. None. 

You wouldn’t be giving me anything for it, though. A tax paid to the city would presumably be going to improve conditions in the city for everyone. 

A lot of these assholes believe that denying care, and otherwise making life hell for trans people is “doing the least harm” because it’s a form of “tough love”.

Every single one of those fuckers needs to be fired. They are a fucking disgrace to the uniform.

“Profit seeking is a universal human trait”

I wonder if you could write up what those anti-union tactics were. That way, maybe some effective counters, or at least ways to spot them could be disseminated.