
I love how people like to lick the boots of their masters, and pretend like companies can do no wrong. 

Why does Uber get to say, “It’s a gig”, but 7-11 doesn’t? 

You’re making a gigantic assumption that what you ask is an option.

Homeless people exist in that part of town too. 

Your bullshit “If they don’t like it, they can leave” argument is you saying they deserve it. Blaming the victim is saying that the victim deserved it. 

Yeah, but what is these people’s favorite thing to do? “Own the libs”. At the very least, they’d want to vote Pence to do that, even if they never vote again. 

Unfortunately, I think you’re assuming a level of rationality and self-awareness that doesn’t exist. They could drive the response rate so low that no non-citizens respond, and they’d still throw a fit. 

Because you’re saying that they deserve this treatment; that if they want to continue working, they must endure it. Your response is absolutely the incorrect one. 

“If people still want to work there despite these conditions, why do you want to stop them?”

“the staff are just as responsible as management for volunteering to be exploited.”


This is why they should have asked all the participants in the Town Hall extravaganza yesterday, “What will you do if Mitch McConnell is still in charge of the Senate?”

I don’t think anyone wants Epic to take over as the new Steam. They just want there to be competition on the level of Steam. 

That’s still no excuse for these conditions. If the best argument you can come up with in favor of this is “They’re literally not being held at gunpoint,” then you need to re-evaluate your position.

There is absolutely zero excuse for this. Epic can easily hire enough people to handle the workload. Quite frankly, they could also just slow the fuck down a little bit.

He just doesn’t want to be around women at all. 

I am so, so, so sick of the “It’s a joke!” defense. People who use that should then be judged on how many laughs it gets, and when they inevitably get nothing more than a few polite chuckles, get tossed off Twitter. 

Why don’t they just play Sonic Colors instead? It was far superior to Sonic 06. 

Can I ask, how often does something similar to this happen? Where someone tries to impersonate someone, and also contact reporters to try and get them to report on the person being impersonated? And, sadly, how often does it work?

And I guarantee you that if I choose not to hire someone because they disagreed that these were essential protections, and that someone should be able to fire an employee for sexual orientation, those on the right would throw the biggest shit fit you’ve ever seen.