
Thanks! Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if the mysterious clock time was a key somehow...

so two articles not fawning (not putting down either) over destiny show how biased coverage of this game has been on this site? Ok.

A great example of one of the things the EU did right. Fantastic series.

That 90% of EU characters had “oh, and they met Han Solo once” annoyed the shit out of me.

One last post, different topic - the symbol is a graph of something called an attractor. Obvious thematic links. It especially looks like the Lorenz attractor, I think:

I copied down all (I think) the unique sequences

You mean like with the X-Wing series? Lots of people harped on Corran Horn, but Rogue Squadron was an amazing subject to put a series around. The only connection came on occasion.

So... you’re saying it’s pointless to play games like, say, Fallout or The Last of Us?

*BIG SPOILERS HERE* if somehow you just dropped to the comments.

I’m suggesting the very setup is incredibly trite. “Character models and animations sure are expensive!” “I know! Let’s build a game with no people and set it after a mysterious disaster!” “PERFECT. Nobody’s ever done that.”

Yeah, I’ll give someone credit for saying Anakin Solo was bullshit, because he arguably was, but Mara Jade? She was an actual interesting character.

The light was making people happy, but Stephen got a bunch of people killed before the light could reach them. He didn’t know what he was doing, like the fox. The light wasn’t the wild animal in the story.

That depends on what you think the purpose is. If you play for action, sure. If you play for exploration, story, and the joy of discovery, then not so much.

I am so excited for a future without shitty characters like Anakin Solo

What it sounds like is that Han Solo has the Ben Kenobi role in this story.

Do not mock the old EU.

That sounds pretty awesome.

It would be cool if there was some element of John Wick, where people hear the name and just walk away. “Han Solo? F$#! that noise, I’m out of here.”

Destiny, a yearlong beta for a video game that will be released this September.” What an awesome line. Genuinely cracked me up. Cheers.

Destiny, a yearlong beta for a video game that will be released this September