
If he is, run. Run until you do not believe you can run another step, then continue to run. Run until you reach the end of the universe, then run through the barrier that greets you. Run until the breath in your lungs ceases and your heart quits beating but your body continues to propel you from the aborning

Man, Episode IV’s got similar problems. My kid’s obsessed with ANH and I’m dying now that I’m paying attention to what the dialog means.

If Star Wars makes... like a billion dollars? I predict Hollywood will start heading back into space pretty quick.

As a TV commercial that’s cool and does it’s job.

Yes. I lost almost all interest in the trailer once they hit the ground. I might as well have just been watching the Avengers at that point. Spartans are soldiers, not super heroes. The second half of this trailer was just silly.

The animations look weird. Overly graceful? I’m not sure how to describe it. Also, it appears that they’re new to this whole “lip syncing” thing.

So this started off well enough, but am I the only person who that that, by the end, it was coming off as if the cinematic team at 343 was just starting to jerk themselves off a bit? I really don’t know what that extended downhill fight scene did other than just take a kind of neat premise for a fight and then devoid

Agreed entirely. On the other hand, this site exists solely because it attracts users and shows them advertising. Kotaku is not the work of a single person, but Kotaku as a whole needs a stream of users clicking on their pages. The easiest way to do that is to post about controversial things, or create controversy

To attempt to be a voice of reason among Kotaku’s fear mongering (note: This preorder is obviously a shitty one, see rules 3 and 4 for more info):

This really isn’t that different than stuff Steam has done in the past. “PLay this stupid meta potato game and we’ll perhaps unlock a Steam avatar or move the release date up 12 hours.”

Just simple algebra. Linear Algebra (which is related to higher dimensional math and matrices) isn’t needed.

This is the same set up as the e3 booth.

You’re totally entitled to feel how you feel. That being said, you did point to exactly the problem here, CoD’s insensitive romanticizing of military death, not the military itself. I think, in retrospect, that it’s the military that comes out looking a smidge better here: the utter absurdity of the funeral in the

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Please tell me Lindeloff is as far away from the movie as possible. It’s his fault the movie sucked because he made the script of the last movie incomprehensible.

A good nitpick. Too many folks at Gawker Media do this.

not so - they are using go-pros in those parachute tests

In the finished film, the filmmakers did put some lightning into the background of the scene, but Watney’s separation from the group still happens unscientifically, when he’s hit with a broken satellite. “It’s a movie,” said Green. “For my science friends, I say ‘Check the science at the door, go in and have a great

Shameless? I didnt even see it until you pointed it out.

Yes, it can, and we’ve already seen photos of frost heave formations near the martian poles.