
The most active discussion of hidden messages in the game I could find is here:

I struggled with this pessimism as well, being an longtime fan of Stan’s previous work. After spending some time trying perhaps over-hard to reconcile this, my take —

This is the best I could find on short notice (or on postimage if that got downscaled). Here’s how to find your own:

To follow on to this point, the conclusion of the io9 summary:

Vi vs Emacs

An Abbot and Costello cue has been missed, here

I get an average of about 1820 prisoner-visits to the switch room

When you look back through the show, it's exceptionally, almost bizarrely rare to see an important female character who is anything but a brunette. That reason alone is enough to suspect her of being up to something unusual...

Another meteor (not a comet) painted by Frederic Edwin Church in 1860.

Tomorrow's news:

Another great lunar program appreciation movie is "The Dish" (2000). It's a reverent, humorous account of the Australian radio receiving station that relayed the first live TV images of the Apollo 11 landing. (It also stars Sam Neill and Patrick Warburton.)