
And yet:

Well for starters:

Don’t get why so many are so willing to jump in and defend against any criticism made against Star Citizen. It doesn’t matter what Roberts’ credentials are or how amazing they’ve said it will be, fact remains that it has the budget rivaling most AAA games and is a year over schedule with not a great deal to show for

If the creator didn’t want his meaning to be understood or discovered, it’s not worth anyone’s time discussing it. I can’t stand artists who believe the goal is to be misunderstood or incomprehensible, just because so many have been in the past. Or people who are inspired by non-endings or narrative-less tales.

That’s not true at all. The original films are all extremely well directed. That’s why they work. The action scenes are exciting, the emotional scenes are moving. There are no dull moments, the story is always being pushed forward. All three look great and are unique with a style that reflects the tone of each story.

Honestly the only reason someone suggested Dune was the similarity to GoT royal families fighting one another.

I still disagree. We just recently had The Man in the High Castle, The Martian is now in post production. Childhood’s End is coming up on SyFy. True, the Soderbergh version of Solaris bombed out. And I,Robot is best not spoken of. But there are rumors that HBO and Jonah Nolan is planning to adapt Asimov’s Foundation

I disagree with the base assumption of this article right off. If anything it’s the other way around. Suddenly fantasy is popular in mass media while science fiction has been rolling along for decades in mass media mostly untrammeled. Given semi-picaresque serials and closely plotted stuff like Firefly and the reboot

My problem with Dune was that only the first two books were really any good.

The night sky is beautiful as well.

Complains about difficulty...

that doesnt stop it from being a SRPG. you can dislike it but those changes dont stop it from being what it is.

You can level up in Lunatic mode in Awakening? I tried to get through Lunatic mode, myself, and every random battle on the world map kicked my ass (as in the enemies had twice my stats and were undefeatable no matter how well I played). Even then, only 1~2 battles appear per day, so it’s not like you can steadily

the only benefit to doing that was gaining abilities of other classes... and you would have to spend a month training to get that high in awakening without using the xp boosting dlc level....

previous fe games like what? Sacred Stones and sword of flame for gba both had colleseums you could go into and level a character to20 by level 5 or so...

You only said you tried “harder modes” you never mention which modes except once when you said more specifically, “Even with Perma death and normal mode I had an easy time with the game.” This leaves people with the impression that you played on normal with permadeath since you prefaced the statement with the

It’s a game meant to be played on a system with resolution different than your computer monitor or phone, and it’s meant to be played in 3D. Every 3DS game looks like crap when taken out of its dimension and native resolution. Played on the system with the 3D slider on, it will look fine.

“So essentially, children growing up in Georgia do not learn about climate change at all unless they are given the opportunity to take an elective oceanography class in high school.”