
What a save!
What a save!
What a save!

I thoroughly enjoyed Ready Player One.

That’s exactly how it is. Ready Player One is one of the most overrated books I have ever read.

Is that how it is? I have friends gnawing on my ear telling me to read it but I had this feeling it was a sort of wink wink nudge nudge Atari era circle jerk.

I’ve said it before, but I am not sure who he is writing for. I liked “Ready Player One” but it had problems. The eighties nostalgia resonates with someone like me in his late forties, but writing it as YA does not. And the kids at that level don’t much care about stuff that was popular more than ten years before they

I at least liked Ready Player One, Armada was just bad.

I’ve found his work to be overrated so far. Although I will say it’s fairly innovative and original.

“Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is a creature I fear will be killed if I crack it open to examine its entrails.”

It’s way more subtle than I would expect, and that makes me fucking love it

The first thing that popped into my head.

This happens to me a lot and here’s what I do:

Most of us appreciate your integrity. Some just have thin skin when it comes to their ideology (despite telling everyone else to “toughen up because political correctness is destroying America!”).

Some people wouldn’t know good journalism if it hit them on the head. Keep it up, brother. Your efforts are much appreciated.

News flash: In my time at Gawker Media I have never, not once, or even heard a rumor about any of my stories or viewpoints being bent to some political will. Content has never been changed, swapped, watered down or re-construed in any way based on a political bias. In meetings I have never heard of such a bias

This is very important to military issues, one of these people could be the next POTUS. This made no political claims, it just analyzed the transcript. As far as click bait, not sure how this is clickbait, certainly a lot of time and effort went into analyzing the statements made.

I assume he’ll have no problems writing up a similar summary after the Democratic Party primaries.

Have you considered submitting a request for interview with some of these guys? I think that would be very enlightening to see specifically what their plans and goals and policies would be with regard to defense funding and application. I’m sure some of these guys would be amenable to it since it would help to tease

Reports are showing that massive interference was probably necessary, though. People from the set have been saying that Trank was erratic, never had a clear understanding of what the movie was even going to be like (lack of vision), possibly drinking/high while on set, and was MIA for much of the final portion of the

Great game, but the final boss is way too unforgiving in a really unfair and annoying way. Not in an endearing way. The game has limited continues + they don't give you any leeway with how you take down the final boss. It's either perfect execution or you fail. That kind of boss mechanic just really annoys me. And it