
We did see that, thats how I knew all that.

This bird looks so genuinely interested in what is going on over there.

And we all thought Bungie had resolved the farming issue by making upgrade materials available via vendors and boosting the amount dropped from dailies. Nope, now we have to farm for glimmer AND marks AND crafting materials due to their insane exotic system. I don't under why you can't just pay 5 strange coins to

What about trophies you get for killing X enemies? Violence is alright to be gamified but not romance? Sure.. it is called a trophy but they just mark deeds accomplished in a game. They are not real.. Maybe the word trophy and romance just go poorly together in your context but you are over thinking what a trophy

Relationships must be gamified if they're going to exist within a game...

"Relationships should not be gamified" ... in a game.

Nor should completing a level, story or collecting one million points then.

I think it is perfectly reasonable to use rewards to encourage players to explore aspects of a game they might not otherwise. I would almost say it's essential in a game as big as Inquisition.

I've missed Isohunt. Welcome back, sorta.

Thou shalt allow alt+tab.

I always love the Who's Line-esque intros to every article pertaining to Destiny.

Destiny, a video game in which players roam the solar system getting angry at Destiny,


Also, when a human baby was born and she went up to the board and happily ADDED a number to the sum total of humanity, it just felt so powerful, such a huge symbol of hope.

Don't forget the moment when President Roslyn gets to add one, when the first baby is born after the battle.

33 is one of the best pieces of TV ever made.
