
"We're delaying Battlefield Hardline to ensure it's ready, financial quarter be damned."
"We're making a new Mirror's Edge."
"Dragon Age: Inquisition is basically Dragon Age: We're Sorry About Dragon Age 2."
"Sorry about the pools in Sim 4. We added them back in. No, we didn't save them for DLC."
"Star Wars Battlefront is

Yeah, let's not reward them for making games that are actually good! That'll teach 'em!

I had that thought, too - I would've loved something like the war table in ME3, and while there are different teams working on that series and Dragon Age, I hope to see something like it in the next Mass Effect game.

they both support mods now though. modding is easily my favorite part of Dragon Age: Origins on PC.

This is the absolute perfect description of why ME3 was a disappointment, and this is what ardent defenders of how that game played out don't get. The problem with the ending wasn't that it wasn't "happy," it was that it felt meaningless. If Shepard had gone out in a blaze of glory as all the things you described

Yep. Gameplay was more fun in my opinion. I just got kind of bored killing stuff in the exact same cave, over and over...

The improved realism of this new-generation-stuff has got me noticing the lack of undergrowth in video games for the first time. I've never thought about it before, but now when watching these vista scenes it becomes really obvious. In nature when you have trees you almost always have shrubbery, bushes or smaller

The Inquisition, in its early days, was little more than a disreputable renegade section of the church, holed up with a raggedy army in a run-down mountain town. If I hadn't taken the time to work on building up with my forces in the beginning, their eventual transformation into a feared international power wouldn't

I've always liked that Ridley Scott tends to be "old-school" on a lot of stuff (his budgets are huge because he insists on doing as much real sets as possible) but he does show some art for the big stuff like Prometheus' CGI and he's apparently trying to make the Ten Plagues in "Exodus" look as realistic as possible.

All out effects are one of the few things that keep me coming back to theaters. Anything less just doesn't justify putting up with people looking at their phones with the brightness turned up to max or putting up with people constantly getting up. But seeing the inside of a wormhole in 70mm? Yeah, that's definitely

None of my friends, nor myself, lasted to October.

I wouldn't bet on your 12+ strikes figure. as it stands there are 5 for xbox and 6 for ps after dlc 1 there will be 6 for xbox and 8 for ps. Might get close depending on how much dlc is planned after the first 2.

Agreed! Destiny is so much fun to play that it's a real shame it's so broken and frustrating.

have they added the plot yet? I do believe its still missing. I know it exist because there is that website that keeps poping up that is full of the the plot. And its a fairly good and overly detailed plot. but I don't see it in the game.

As much as I like Destiny.... yeah.

Was more bounty space really needed? I'd pick all the PVP ones up and knock those out, then I'd do the PVe ones I wanted to tolerate. Then i was done for the day. Unless the list of bounties is now like 25 every day, this really wasn't needed in my opinion.

Today, Bungie released a new update for Destiny, a video game in which players travel the galaxy asking themselves why they're still playing Destiny.

the "Game of the Year" edition of Destiny that will be released a year from now is going to be great. 3+ raids, 12+ strikes, maybe an actual story, chat, matchmaking for heroic strikes and raids, a shader vendor with more then 4 shaders, all of the patches, for $60. But right now...ehh?

That's great for the 20 people still playing it. I've never felt so burned by a game in my life. Everything is just to little to late. And to have the audacity to ask for more money for dlc for content to further the story is lame.

It's just to late as someone who has dropped 90+ hours I'm done