

You fuckin fucks! You fucked it up! You fucked it all to hell!

5-point-palm exploding heart technique?

Meola responded that "it was just big for me because I'm a huge fan of the team."

I thought I was going to not like this guy based on the title, and turns out I agree with him 100%. Good to know that some people actually know what AI is - and its not an existential risk. At all. I'd recommend reading the actual journals on the subject. You could start with IEEE Intelligent Systems journal. Maybe

I totally read the headline as "the Myth of AL" (lowercase L), and I was going to dispute the point. The Myth of Al is awesome.

Can someone explain to me why AI is a threat? Sometimes I think it is a myth—or a better way to put it—a fear perpetrated by movies and television. I’m curious on learning more about this by actual computer scientist and experts in the field.

Fight Club is Calvin and Hobbes all grown up.

Star Wars Trivial Pursuit is mind-numbingly easy.

15 out of 15! I really got to get a life.


Another one I love involves Palpatine: Sometime during his training, Palpatine foresaw the Yuzhan Vong coming and knew the weak, decadent, corrupt Republic didn't have a chance in hell against them. So, as part of his plot, he reformed them into the Empire, making sure to consolidate power and bring a true centralized

Uh that wasn't that hard? Maybe because I've seen A New Hope 57 billion times. I'd probably struggle a bit more with Empire and Return.

Perfect score. Because of course. :-)

Toughest ever? Pfft. Star Wars Trivial Pursuit was waaaay tougher.

It's true. See my other post for the only example where Nintendo released a game that had a bug in it that could break the game and how it was handled. It's the only one I can think of.

You know what company never, ever does this? Nintendo. They only release games when they are absolutely finished, and if a bug happens to be found, you best believe that it was one that was probably so miniscule, it failed to raise any red flags. Yet, for some reason, people love to shit on them. Seriously, for all of

COD AW is still broken on PS4. Pings fluctuate wildly and I've become increasingly frustrated. It seems there's a fun game underneath, but I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it.