
After seeing these, I really want to seem them do Morbo.

He will utterly crush these other pathetic costumes!

There is no depth. What you do in Skyrim is inconsquential to virtually everything and with the very few choices you make that matter, you can basically backtrack on them.

Good question! I assume it's one of the infinite sprint cheats? The link I provided in the story describes it as follows:


If I were to take a guess, I'd say most players probably never make it through more than half of Skyrim's story, if that—finishing it at all is a feat, nevermind finishing it fast.

Let's face it, the main story of Skyrim isn't that big...

Too late Ubi! I hope Far Cry 4 is good as atm you are labelled the worst developer of 2014 with 2 of the biggest disappointments of the new generation.

Why does every single release on ps4 or x1 need a day 1 patch to work? Now a days they need several patches just to function as a complete game. It is mind blowing how bad the state of AAA releases are these days.

Wow. What a bungled launch. Is this just the way things are now with games? Watchdogs, Destiny, AC: Unity. This has to be one of the most disappointing years for AAA games in a long time. Are they all just rushed? What is going on?

+1 just for Kent Tekulve.

Keith Law has joined the fun.

because he's wrong?

I've been told by the Twittersphere that Curt Schilling doesn't even need to disprove evolution, because Maury Compson already has.

Remember when Curt Schilling tried to start a gaming company and then proceeded to drive it straight into the ground? Who would have known he was an idiot?

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

It ain't just hipsters. I've noticed this repeatedly with "rebellious individuals" that wind up looking very much alike. I think there's also an unconscious signification of identity going on as well, which I presume the study took into account.

Tapistry, it's in Season 6 or 7. Basicly the Star Trek version of "It's a Wonderful Life," Q gives him a chance to undo the moment that caused him to have the fake heart.

television is primarily a method of escapism for the lower and middle class -and i think i can speak for us all when i say that i'd rather not watch shows that illustrate how financial pressure, mental illness, or the vicissitudes of the public school system might lead someone to be a killer. frankly, there's a reason…

Saw the AR start and was like #NotFuknBack.