
The man's a good actor. I initially got on board for noticing him when I watched Pillars of the Earth (of course, I came for Hayley Atwell...to watch the show, I mean). He's gotten around a bit. He starred in the filmed Les Miserables, and did lesser passions like My Week with Marilyn (Monroe) and Hick...he's become a

With the song of inverted time, it didn't bother me too much. If I wanted to dick around or do a sidequest I'd just reset time and have my own time stream devoted to it so I didn't have to feel rushed.

Most of the time I'd agree as I usually I hate timed quests, but MM was much more forgiving in this aspect than, say,

wha? Mm is a BLAST to play.

1) The Wii and Wii U can already play the Virtual Console version of this game.

I live to serve. But I will fight every fucking sub-reddit in here!

Why oh why can't we see these N64 updates on our TV proper? Bring it to Wii U! Hell, bring a OoT/MM combo to Wii U and I'll buy it in a heartbeat.

Can't wait to grab the Bunny Hood and run around Termina! Wheeee~

My favorite thing about Majora's Mask is just the atmosphere. There's still nothing like it. This twilight, mysterious, occult feel I can't even describe it. It's amazing and I wish there were games that could capture such an atmosphere again.

Regardless of how Share Play works in practice, PS4 owners who picked up Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare are facing a new reality: some games can opt out of the feature entirely. This newfound obstacle doesn't sit comfortably with the way Sony was describing Share Play prior to its release.


And sony lets devs ruin another feature by turning it off. VitaTV, remoteplay, custom soundtracks, screenshits, even copying ps1/psp games to vita/vitatv. Maybe sony should realize we are the ones playing the games, not devs.

Forget shareplay, I keep getting this error on Xbox One when trying to start multiplayer on my one and only console. I have reinstalled the whole game but it did not fix the problem.

Sad to know that we have the capability to share games with our friends thousands of miles away and somebody can still manage to fuck it up. Because money right?

We didn't attend a review event. Mike played the game on his home console and has played online with regular folks.

Yeah, I'm really impressed as well and share most of your opinion.

There's a new energy and excitement to Call of Duty multiplayer matches with Advanced Warfare that I've not felt in years. There's a giddy feeling that comes as the timer counts down to the start of any of the game's dozen or so multiplayer match types. And when that countdown ends, we're not simply deploying — we're

I'm still going through the campaign, but I am honestly a bit floored by how good COD is this year.

He/she's using it correctly actually, but nice try.

meet the contrarian, same as the old contrarian, until it becomes...wait...