The biggest thing that sets Nintendo games apart is that they seem to know exactly what I am going to do and what I am expecting to happen and play off of that perfectly.
The biggest thing that sets Nintendo games apart is that they seem to know exactly what I am going to do and what I am expecting to happen and play off of that perfectly.
Ah, good catch there. I hope you still got a laugh out of it though.
They should focus on creating some new meaningful game experiences instead of redundant hardware revisions. As an owner of all three current gen consoles, I can safely say the XB1 is the least used, least cared about in our house.
God Emperor sleeps on a pile of nukes so as to not lose track of the last ones :/
This is awkward, not sure where you have been, or how you lost that time, but it is 2020. Most of the planet is a nuclear wasteland and God Emperor Trump rules the world from a moonbase built by Elon Musk. Sorry buddy, you will have some adjustments to make.
There was further elaboration in Japanese. The holes serves no purpose during the manufacturing process — they’re a completely meaningless design element.
I had to google it real quick cause I knew one of the major updates removed features from the Vita but I couldn’t remember which. They’re ones I don’t mind since I never really used them, but they removed: facebook, youtube, Maps, Near, PS Now, PS Mobile, Skype, and Live from Playstation.
And people called me crazy for saying the Switch would replace the 3DS and Wii U...
As a foreigner, your support has no weight in terms of FCC comments, but it does as part of the discussion to people who don’t know what net neutrality is. In fact, you may be personally protected based on your own country’s laws (…
Based on the quick google search I did it looks like the word “queer” has been redefined by the Human Rights Campaign as a sort of catch-all for anyone who is different but not define themselves as LGBT. So intersex and such fall into that category.
Go to your Kinja profile, go to following, then next to your username, click on the button that says following, and it’ll unfollow. There will be a little period of Schrodinger’s follow though, in which it’ll go back and forth between showing you’re following yourself and not.
Blue and Red already have the counter parts. You can get pair of blue and red together, or if you bought the neon switch, get the Red/Blue pair that is the opposite of what came with the switch.
Oh i agree with you mostly. I was just being a smart-ass. I feel like i’m too old/experienced and have no kids to watch and struggle to really know when/where a tutorial is needed anymore. To me they both felt quite intuitive, but i can understand that menu usage/item selection is already a step forward and warrants…
So an updated version of the Earthbound “this game stinks” campaign?
You missed the rest of the second tweet, they didn’t post it for some reason.
It’s coming out on Vita. So no need to remote play if you don’t want to. Would be great if it was Playstation crossbuy though.