Do you have a link? It could be a mistake, but it could also be a misunderstanding.
Do you have a link? It could be a mistake, but it could also be a misunderstanding.
Response to SD1 in case he deletes the post due to the hilariously bad post he made:
I prefer “gay bull”.
Press F
They’re proud to be dumbasses. Proud. I wish it were fatal.
Are you seriously equating the actions of a single individual to those of a significantly larger group of people?
1. “Compared to DVD drives, I mean.” Besides, I can find Blu-ray drives under $100. Here’s one for $57.99 on Amazon:
Are they really that uncommon? Compared to DVD drives, I mean.
You were right about the scheduling.
Game Mode was already enabled, so I tried disabling it. Sadly, it didn’t make a difference. It’s a shame because I really like Borderless Windowed.
I visited a seminar about bullying two years ago. There was a teacher-in-training in my group, who admitted he used to bully someone in class and tried to justify it with: “it was his own fault for being bullied”, “we did things like hiding his clothes after swimming class, nothing bad”, and “we actually really liked…
Just wanted to say that stuttering can happen even at high framerates. Usually a result of Garbage Collection, when every couple of seconds the CPU dedicates its whole time collecting and freeing unused memory. With no new information from the CPU, the GPU has nothing new to draw, hence the stuttering.
Here, have fun reading through the list of countries that banned plastic bags :
Your source does not support your claim of “governments outright banning plastic bags”.
I think you’re the one who missed the point.
For a long time I had been preaching: “When you’re sick, you wouldn’t want to be treated by some random idiot, so why would you let some random idiot run your country?”
I don’t know about you, but making elaborate fake leaks about a new Kid Icarus game sounds a lot more rational and reasonable than threatening to kill all employees who ever worked on the new Fifa.
There should be at least a minimum amount of quality control on the eShop
The way I understood the post, it’s actually “re-importing”.