
You realize you’re undermining your own argument by being an insufferable ass, right? You’re not convincing anybody to change their minds by talking about “educating internet randos” or “filling your quota of dumdums.”

Shows you care more about being superior on the internet than you do about actually changing things

That sounds like a Windows process scheduler issue. Windows 10 supposedly has a Game Mode, which just sounds like a different scheduler configuration. Maybe enabling this would help?

Since you covered the non-legal stuff here is the fun legal happy on top of it for our entitled little Tyoshi who thinks he should be able to do what he wants since he owns the game and put in all this hard work . . .

I think Fire Emblem 7 deserves a go for anyone looking for GBA titles to play. It was renamed to just “Fire Emblem” for the west, as it was the first release of the series in english. It’s still my favorite of them.

If you expand the tweet from her in the article, one of them is a DM on twitter from him. 


You can sculpt and normal map it.

My loose understanding is that it is quite common to sculpt the 3D shape of what you’re modeling in pretty high detail, then bake that down to textures to create an efficient version for the game. The actual 3D geometry detail is lost during this process, but the higher detail surface informs the normal and

Nowadays, most of high quality models are done in two steps:

Put them on hold. Just say something like, “Hold on, this sounds incredible, I need a pen to write this down.” Then just set the phone down and walk away. (A lot of telemarketers, by their own companies’ rules, cannot hang up on the customer, without a supervisor okaying it first.)

Huh, looks like a reasonable mistake on his part though :P

Yeah, don’t think that was me.  

Man.. People should be required to have internet licences to surf.. Maybe that’d filter out some of the stupid.. /s

Like that?

Goose Game and Death Stranding should be nowhere near this list. UGG is charming at first, but wears thin pretty fast. And Death Stranding is just too uneven. It’s a game I hesitate to recommend even though I feel like it’s a novel experience, because the core gameplay just wasn’t that fun. I’d take Outer Worlds, DMC5

  • 1. Voice your concern

I actually got one of those turkeys once from eBay, claiming to be 128GB when it was actually 4. Thankfully, the person I bought it from was a good sport and refunded my money without putting up a fight. Then I bought one from Amazon, it turned out to be legitimate, and I was spared from the Smash Ultimate Piranha

The whole “he’s a teenager and they do stupid things” excuse should not hold an ounce of merit.

Lol... Spacer’s Choice would charge you to watch them though.

If she wasn’t playing video games, none of that crime would have ever happened.  Even the robbery.