I’ve always said that the amount of effort put into TMS was obvious and made it a prime candidate to try and get it in front of a larger audience (read: Switch users), so I’m glad this is happening.
I’ve always said that the amount of effort put into TMS was obvious and made it a prime candidate to try and get it in front of a larger audience (read: Switch users), so I’m glad this is happening.
Andrew Ryan helped make KOTOR? :)
I’m glad I expanded the comments before replying, because I was also about to point out that buying 10 Switches (with 20 JoyCons) wouldn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to have one that fails - you’d just have a 70.989% chance of at least one failing JoyCon out of 20, at a 6% failure rate.
I’ve heard of people just waltzing into Navajo lands and taking pictures of tribal members like they’re zoo animals. There’s actually a mention of this on their tourist website, to not take pictures of people on the reservation without explicitly asking them first. The fact that this needs to be said at all is just…
People do not believe in respecting others boundaries or personal space anymore. It’s extremely depressing. It’s not hard to ask permission.
i did a quick search on youtube and found this
i assume its easier than you may think. id guess its just layering different coloured doughs to form the shape. this video shows the basic idea, but as candy
I am a professional baker and have no clue how these are made. Not if they are actually edible at least.
If the Wii had been powerful enough to emulate GC games, it would have been a Sony/Microsoft killer. Instead, it was an abysmal fai— Oh, wait, it outperformed the non-combined sales of the Xbox 360 and PS3 anyway ? *Cue emo version of ‘Mad World’*
Nah your tone it fine, it’s the counter-outrage culture that’s the problem.
dude i saw with the corner of my eyes the pic and the words miyamoto and what at first glance looked like “dead”(dad) and I had a fucking heart attack.
Nope. You just Taunt endlessly instead.
Two of the three recommended stories for this article are about Korea literally erasing Japan from the map.
There are 3 foreigners for every 100 Japanese residents in Tokyo (not including foreign tourists), 1/3 of troublemakers in an incident being foreign is a relatively massive portion.
Ah yes, because 1/3 of the population of Japan is foreigners. “Have fun during Halloween in Japan, but don’t do dumb shit. Please.”
Any game devs out there know why they would do this?
For example: maybe you’ve been a Hulk Hogan fan your whole life and whoops! he says something racist and suddenly Hogan4Life isn’t such a great name anymore.
Well what else would you call them? Pseudo-virtual girls?
the one after the Medabots one is Kamen Rider Blade (big guy with the sword, from Kamen Rider Blade)
The footballer who is laying around crying (as usual) is Neymar - at least the Brazilian one is (yellow/blue kit)