You talking this song?
You talking this song?
It’s not drawn as you mean it, it’s a photo bash technique
“Blizzard Characters Make Awesome 2D Sprites”
The only “SJW compaints” Kotaku seems to be rife with are annoying dorks complaining about SJWs. Like, say, this post, here.
Ahem, please we’re not that touchy. It has to be a woman’s nipple for us to freak out. Men’s nipples are totally cool.
As a (video)gamer from 1976 (Pong), i still think E-Sports are bullshit.
“E-Sports”.... ugh.
It’s probably in french...
“Booze Fighter” is the drinking game the comic character mentions: take a drink every time someone they fight online is a Ryu or Ken. Apparently there are so many Ryu/Ken fighters that they died of alcohol poisoning.
Nothing, which exactly the problem. One Punch Man has notably getting snubbed all season long by Richard Eisenbeis, Kotaku’s main anime writer. This has led to a very small amount of OPM articles on Kotaku.
Nope. Not set in Feudal Japan. 0/10 not interested.