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    Next step: Make a fluorescent version and call it Coca Cola Quantum!

    True, no one knows I’m autistic, but everybody knows that people who play GTA, well, play GTA (hard to believe, I know, but humor me). And since I’m one of them, OP’s comment did attack me.

    I’ll just assume you’re equating “game violence” with “real violence”.

    I’m not using my autism as excuse for anything, but you’re right, you didn’t mention autism and it has nothing to do with the topic.

    Look, I know that my autism isn’t normal, but I think calling me a “fucking psychopathic lunatic” is going somewhat overboard. It’s not like me playing GTA somehow hurts you or the people around me.

    I’m a 30 year-old half Asian, and every time I try to buy alcohol, people ask to see my ID.

    You mean, the English and Spanish dubs also use an old woman for adult Goku’s voice?

    This is just a guess, but I think the woman’s from a photo. Her picture has been pasted on top of the original drawing, with the clothes redrawn on top. The ball (I assume it’s an Apple of Eden) is in the background because someone’s been too lazy to photoshop her fingers.

    He’s referring to Nerd Rage, which is about trying to buy the Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition.

    Echoes was amazing. I had a hard time believing it was a remake of a 1992 game, especially after Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem.

    Close. The joke is that MS doesn’t understand their customers.

    To be fair, Edge isn’t just IE all over again.

    Miis on Switch are so well hidden, I doubt they’ll be featured in any Switch game, to be honest.

    Same here. Sometimes I wonder how people become “famed designers” with such obviously awful designs. It’s almost as if fashion nowadays is all about being different, and nobody cares if people are going to like it in the first place.

    I’m personally hoping I can play my own character, like in Power Tennis for GBA.

    Not sure, but the rep certainly hasn’t dealt with Steam Support yet.

    I doubt it. The game has nothing to do with what happened this time. After all, if it weren’t Pokémon Go that kept him, he could’ve been stuck in a traffic jam.

    He could’ve been shaking in his boots trying to lift the kid back onto the balcony while not thinking about what would happen to him if he were to lean out too much or make a mistake climbing over to the neighbor’s.

    I think I was 4, although “left alone” is not quite the way I’d put it.

    I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that the term “active shooter” referred exclusively to mass child murderers and not to mass murderers in general.