
A long time ago, when I was a young, impressionable armor crewman, I saw one of these (at either Grafenwöhr or Hohenfels) on a live fire exercise. It seemed to come out of nowhere and made two quick passes on the target - which looked like a BTR-80 - and just chewed it to pieces. Perforated it like a giant soda can

*Looks at legs in photo*

The Gripen is a cool little jet fighter and we’re getting a handful of those to equip our Air Force over here in Brazil. They’ll be pretty sweet armed with the A-Darter missile...

Relax. Tyler was great and we’re all going to miss him. But a replacement hasn’t been hired yet. Collins is literally the main guy from a blog called Truck Yeah! I thoroughly enjoyed this post.

That’s my gun!!! Seriously, I was the OPS/CSO on GTN when we installed the Block 1B mounts she currently has. I was really proud of the work my Sailors put in on getting it installed, calibrated, and getting rounds down range. It was probably the smoothest thing on that entire tour.

Oh shut the hell up. You’ve probably never served. While I personally like President Obama, whenever we salute a senior officer or superior it is a mark of respect for the office. I didn’t like Bush, but I saluted him because I respect the office, even though the man did stuff I didn’t like. Any service-member who

Sure, and Russia’s illegal invasion of Georgia, the illegal invasion of Ukraine, the subsequent illegal annexation of Crimea, flying nuclear-capable bombers into sovereign airspaces, simulating nuclear attacks on neighbors, stating that Estonia’s and Lativa’s departure from the Soviet Union was illegal and thus the 2

What we need is a passionate yet disillusioned crew chief to take spare parts from the non-functioning birds and put them together to build a new chopper. Maybe a controversial lieutenant could offer suggestions that would make the homemade contraption very useful to the military. If you needed engines or something

At first I had no fucking clue how to draw a background, or to even place charcters around. Then I learned perspective, and I’m a happy man ever since.

I have a friend who fled Iran during the fall of the Shah. He and his parents literally crossed the border to freedom with Iranian jihadists shooting at them.

Ehh. As someone trained as an economist, that usually isn’t the case. In war, you make products that can’t be used for any sort of useful work. In the case of missiles, you make a million dollar unmanned airplane and crash it into the ground. Economically, you would be better off paying people to dig holes and fill

Windhorst’s tweet might be literally true even if it’s, in substance, a lie; at any rate, Windhorst’s piece doesn’t shy away from pointing out the ways in which LeBron has been a jerk about Blatt.

The Cavs might make another run or two to the Finals, but there’s not a fucking chance on the planet they can even compete with any of the West’s top 3 teams.

IIRC the videos and documentation went beyond final assembly. In fact they plan on using those videos and tooling to make replacement parts for the F-22 and F119s I believe. Also, take a chill pill, we can talk here without all the know it all attitude.

I know but superbattlemissileship.


The cyclical nature of our and every economy does not and has not previously (except during the depression) simultaneously brought our banks and major industries to the point of insolvency. So cut the uninformed nonsense right there. And what you said about Obama being elected because he was black is also nonsense. If

He wasn’t elected twice because of his skin color you dimwitted cum rag.