I put vienna sausage and tapatio on my cup ramen for a quick meal whenever I don’t have the time to go to the chow hall (or would rather take a 45-minute nap during lunch)
I remember an IDF guy telling me that there’s an old Jewish proverb: “You show your H&Ks and Sigs to your friends, and the Glocks to your enemies”
I think people forgets that it’s a systems fight too; it’s just not the F-35 vs the other jet plane, other things factors (JSTARS, Sensor Fusion, etc) too. The F-35 is just a part of that system that will enhance it’s effectiveness in the battlespace.
I read that there will be some sort of mods for consoles. I have PS4 and PC and I chose the PC version for mod options.
I remember doing this in MW1 (the one withMakarov in the airport)—- I just walked with them while they did their thing
I remember when i had to take over the helmsman spot (I was the messenger of the watch/relief at the time) when the unrep helmsman lost his nerve in the middle of it, turned the steering a little too hard to port and our ship was suddenly going to sideswipe USNS Rappahannock—- the BMOW yanked the guy out of his…
I can’t wait for the SSC version of this bad boy.
looks like it. you can see the furry thingies on the right
Check this article from Polygon: http://www.polygon.com/2015/5/16/8614…
I live here in Vegas and have friends that are working in the slot machine gaming industry and was told that the trend is slowly shifting from chance-based slot machines to a more video gamey-type, skill-based approach; perhaps a hybrid between the two.
Reason why I said that is because Konami got a base here for slot…