
But they are not competing as is. the two biggest internet service providers in the country were actually trying to form a monopoly by merging together. To my best understanding, a large part of this backbone/infrastructure was built using our taxes, so why would i want to let these companies throttle my bandwidth

This makes a lot of sense. I told my BFF that i could never let her go... cause she knows too much dirt about me.

Then what good are you? .)

1) The lower receiver is the part that legally is the gun. that's why that's the only part that's not regulated.

To me... WOW and the like were just MUDs with graphics. Seems like the same people sometimes even. even when i shifted from playing to Admin.. it still sucked a ton of time. I vowed never to get pulled into a video game like that again. Now days, my wife and I just play casual co-op shoot/beat em ups

Best as i can recall: Ultima 3. Made copies of my friend's floppies...

I ended up helping someone start a game with some hacked code because we wanted to play the game, but were sick of all the cheating. Course.. once that went full swing, i no longer players to prevent Bias.

I asked me wife to find one for me on ebay... she is an eBay goddess

I was on Godwars. I played in the original UK and the First US one. Later i was admining the first hacked version (Godwars: Unplugged)... man that was an adventure in itself. I know as of about five years ago.. there were still ports of it running.

I was banned from a MUD i was running because the owner of the server (mistakenly) believed some pot head that i was giving our code to a competing MUD.

Coming from the artist side of this... i'm growing increasingly tired of for profit ventures that want people to give them work for free so that the ventrue can make money off of it. I don't mind doing a free project if it's either for a good cause or it's a collaboration done just so we can collectively exercise our

If we did this, it would be a toss up between SB Anthony to Rosa Parks for me

The part that disturbs me most is: will it come down to a choice between Hillary vs. someone who believes the bible needs to be put into US law...

For it's day, it was an awesome phone.

Yes, Resistive Touch. It worked fine enough with the stylus or a finger nail. For it's day, it was quite awesome.

First Smart Phone i had was the Motorola Ming

I have some major issues with the GoP stance on things, but that doesn't mean they are all evil. On the Other hand... hopefully she won't make it past the Primaries.

I really like the benefits that my Costco AMEX card gives. If the new Visa card doesn't match those same benefits.. this is a lose for the customers.

What i find most funny about the Verizon complaint was that it was their fault these rules exist. They sued to have the old rules removed and won...

To be honest, i liked Sense. Of all the skins.. it was the one that kinda sorta worked and didn't really look ugly to me. I'm not a fan of stock Android. I prefer the way Nova Launcher works.