
Ha! I actually beat that level. It’s also the last level I played before moving on to something else. Not sure why, it’s a good game. I just lost interest.

Aw...the Saint’s Row mod. Cool stuff.

My biggest issue so far has been Rads...where rads where a mere nuisance in three, the fact that they actually cut down your max health and you get them from pretty much everything make radiation an actual challenge. My issue with it is that I can’t seem to find any rad-away anywhere. I was in pretty bad shape for a

You fired them with the right bumper. I think it flashes on screen the first time you aim the bow, but chances are you’re in the middle of combat when it happens (I was) and you missed it.

Not sure. I know they released it on PS4 a while back, but I don’t remember seeing anything about XB1.

It’s cool to see Shadow Complex, Beyond Good and Evil, and a few others make the cut, but I’m a bit surprised that Bastion isn’t part of this first wave. That was a pretty big title for XBLA, wasn’t it?

Me too! It’s like, “Okay, this little message is truly the end of the original trilogy.” Sure, it’s a bit hammy, but pretty much every motivational/eulogy/proclamation speech ever written is cheesy as hell, no matter how heartfelt. The fact that it’s basically the hero of all life in the galaxy giving a message to the

It might be a yearly commercial product put out by a corporation, but that doesn’t mean the people making the game don’t care about the quality of their product. Call of Duty isn’t my cup of tea, but from what I’ve played I can tell it’s a solid series. Now, for an example of people just looking to make cash and who

Like a lot of people, Fallout 4. And Tomb Raider. Other than that, I just picked up a 3DS. I’m dividing my time between Ocarina of Time and Fire Emblem Awakening. If anyone has any other recommendations, I thank you. I’ve heard good things about Bravely Default and Xenoblade Chronicles (and of course I’ll eventually

I used a lid from a cardboard box that was just as wide as my tv. It had these little tabs on the end that I could tape down to the sides of the tv, and I’d just rest the other end on top of the head of whoever had the bottom screen.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen that movie. Completely forgot Jared Leto was in it. I suppose now would be a good time for a “That moment when you realize...” meme.

I suppose the shortest answer I can give you is, if you know Halo, then yes, you’ll have fun. I certainly did. The basic moment to moment gameplay is the same it has always been, enhanced by a few new traversal tricks like scrambling up ledges and being able to perform a short boost, or slam, or ground pound.

Like a lot of people, I was pretty sour about the fact that the game only had three missions with Blue Team when I first heard about it, but having finished the game, dare I say, I think I liked Osiris better? A lot of people will probably attribute that to Buck’s presence, but I liked Vale quite a bit too (especially

I agree on ME (I even bought that giant, $80 hardcover art book), although I kind of feel like they started to stray a bit by part 3, with some of the bulkier armor (which can likely be explained by the fact that by that point, the galaxy was in a full out war). Some of the early art for Andromeda felt a little out of

Is that screenshot from your game? You took Springs but didn’t take Athena?! How cruel!

Relatively new player here!

The cynic in me doesn’t even want to call them easter eggs, as much as hidden bits of advertising. I remember this bit in Chaos Theory, when Sam in sneaking around Displace HQ, and you hear a couple of guards talking about “That new Prince of Persia (I’m assuming ‘Warrior Within’). It’s gonna be Game of the Year, man.”

Here’s hoping the Catwoman add on is more substantial, seeing as how its had the longest development time and she already has her own gameplay mechanics that can carry over from Arkham City...but I won’t hold my breath.

That’s still a step above Bubsy and Gex. Maybe on par with Commander Keen and Jazz Jackrabbit.

For now, I’m firmly ensconced in Metal Gear. But I’ll probably play a little bit of Forza when I get my X-Box One on the 15th. If I finish or burn out on Metal Gear I’ll probably pick up MCC before Guardians comes out.