There’s a pretty good dramatic comedy series on Netflix called the Naked Director that goes into censorship in the Japanese porn industry in the 80's.
Yeah. Original Lara Croft is 52 this year, as well. I’d actually kind of like to see that game, an older Lara, maybe she took up teaching or an apprentice or something. Tomb Raider: Mom of War Edition, lol. Actually, now I think about it, there’s a whole lot of bad-ass-dad games from Sam Fisher to Kratos, but not a…
Great game BUT...anyone else have an issue with the game freezing during a checkpoint, corrupting the data and forcing you to start over? Luckily, it happened early on, but it’s put me off on playing it until we get a second patch.
It took awhile, but by the time I had highways built and it would happen while driving, bringing my vehicle to a halt, and often for no reason because BT’s aren’t really a threat while you’re on the road, it really started to get aggravating every time after that.
Yeah, it’s probably World 1-1 for me. I know that’s boring, but considering I first played it when I was 5 and am now 37, and I’ve had access to a copy of the original SMB almost every year across damn near every system Nintendo has put out, it’s probably true.
Not sure if you’ve ever seen Nadia: Secret of Blue Water, but there’s a long stint at about the halfway point where they were forced to extend the series to get another season out of it, and it definitely shows, not only in the animation but the story telling, too.
I can’t believe Modern Warfare won sound design. Resident Evil 2 was a fucking masterclass in that department.
I know that people were upset about Death Stranding getting so many nominations, but the fact that Tommie Earl Jenkins didn’t get recognized for Death Stranding is a damn crime.
I wonder how long it takes for someone to mod Julia Voth’s face into the PC version, and how odd it’s going to look without the proper mo-cap information.
“Look on my chicken farm, ye mighty, and despair!
He’s been a boss fight before. The way they handled it was, mechanically speaking, you beat him, but after the fight there’s a cutscene that shows the fight basically ending in a draw.
I don’t typically care for turn based games (there are exceptions, of course, Persona 5 and Lost Odyssey come to mind) and I’m actually really looking forward to this. I’m a newcomer to the franchise, starting with Zero and basically binging my way through them, plus Judgement and Fist of the North Star, in the…
I think the primary reason for the original Halo games getting that rating likely rests on The Flood. They were pretty grotesque, and if I remember right, they gibbed when you killed them. Still, they never quite reached Doom, Quake, or even Half-Life levels of gore, and if I’m remembering correctly I think the…
Running on a pro, with settings set to performance, and yeah, still getting lag in menus. I really wish they’d do away with the animated weapon values. us the value, instead of making us wait three seconds for the thing to scroll. Not sure if that contributes to the lag, but it’s unnecessary and annoys…