
Here's a fun experiment...load up Perfect Dark on the N64, start up a multiplayer match with a bunch of bots and load it up with a weapon called the N-Bomb. Watch time stand still.

Enemies do try to 'reclaim' outposts, but in my experience it always happened when I was in the immediate area and it only took about thirty seconds to run in and ninja everyone to death, because they're all distracted by friendly soldiers holding the outpost. You don't have to worry about liberated posts falling back

Welcome! I was a big fan of the Feedback podcast on G4. Looking forward to your work.

Let's see, just off the top of my head:

I fought that same bastard earlier today. At one point in the fight, my Inquisitor glitched out, got launched up into the air and came crashing down. It only did something like 245 damage, but for a moment there I was afraid I'd have to reload and fight the thing again.

For me, the "momentum" philosophy kind of gets lost in the mission where you have to infiltrate the ship. From that point forward, it seemed like the game took place mostly in cramped interiors. And that final bit with the servers...holy hell, I hated that. Especially when I decided to tackle the "complete the game on

The most nerve-racking moment of my life involved an elephant tour I went on in Thailand. There was this baby elephant that you could interact with, and the little guy was sniffing at my shoelaces. And all the while, the mother was standing ten feet away, staring me down. I couldn't move, paralyzed as I was by a

I sent a friend a key to Kyrat the other day and we played that way. We took several outposts and two of the fortresses, with no performance issues. I even asked him how the game was running on his machine and he said it was working fine. We were playing on PS4.

Can you supply a spoiler free description of said bug? I'd like to avoid it. I also found a bug yesterday, whereupon being given the option to customize the appearance of a certain returning character, my Inquisitor's voice changed.

Cool. I really enjoyed the Unfinished Swan. Kind of weird that most of the games I'm looking forward to are indie games, though. This, No Man's Sky, Before, Rime, Witness, Dreamfall and Wild have all got my attention. Oh, and Bastion is coming to PS4 as well.

Thanks. Val Royeaux has been available to me for awhile now, I'm just afraid of missing something/someone or screwing myself over by going into an area I'm not ready for.

A bit off topic but, perhaps someone can give me some (spoiler free) pointers: I'm about 14 hours into the game, and the only party members I have access to are Cassandra, Varric, and Solas. Have I missed something? It feels like in the last two games I'd met all the party members way before I hit 14 hours with the

I actually did this with with Metro: Last Light and Remember Me (switching to Russian and French, respectively). It was interesting, but I probably missed a lot of stuff, as ambient conversations weren't subtitled. I'd actually recommend doing it though, if not for the whole game, then just for while to try it out.

The worst bug I've encountered so far was one that prevented me from switching between party members. A quick reload fixed it, but I was freaking out for a moment. Here's hoping I don't get the banter bug, though. That would be a bummer.

Yeah, you got me there. The Michonne/Carl dynamic is pretty damn good.

One thing kind of bothered me...I was hoping we'd see Carol's reaction to Beth when she woke up. Instead, she just wakes up, it cuts away, and when next we see her she's in a wheelchair, and we don't really see any kind of reaction from her. Seeing as Carol has quickly become my favorite character on the show

Superman is vulnerable to magic. The short is operating under the conceit that the Force is a form of magic. I'd imagine that's how Vader would subdue him. Once captured, Vader could just hyperspace jump out of the solar system, away from the earth's sun, rendering Superman pretty much powerless.

L.O.B.! She used to be on a morning show in San Diego I used to listen to. She had this bit where she played a horrible folk singer who reworded pop songs and claimed them as her own, as well as a few others. It's good to see she's getting some wider exposure with this video.

Tallis is represented under the companions section of DA II in the Keep, I believe, but it basically comes down to whether you kissed her or pissed her off, nothing major.

There's really only one real choice, though, right? Assuming she's willing to do it, and you can get her away from Haven for awhile, Emily Rose is the only answer.