Spiderman, Non-Italian Imposter of Italian Spiderman.

Did my first legitimate drift. This was no power-slide. Smoke, and squealing tires, and banging the rev limiter was done. Felt good.

Did my first legitimate drift. This was no power-slide. Smoke, and squealing tires, and banging the rev limiter was done. Felt good.

You posted that in the wee hours of the A.M. What kind of job do you work this early where a middle finger is NSFW.

And the Twin Otter! A modern workhorse if there ever was one. DeHavilland is one of my absolute favorite aerospace companies.

The MiTo is not a fancy Alfa.

I really don't think Deegan is that good of a driver.

Raptor. Find something that's name is more menacing that the thought of talons being dug into your flesh, ala Jurassic Park, attached to a equally menacing vehicle. I dare you.

Ms. November? Ms. November.

PROTIP: The only correct answer to any QOTD that uses the word "Vehicle" in place of "Automobile" is an aircraft. In this case, the Shorts Sherpa.

Goddammit Chevy, making me cry.

So, it's agreed that the back is too much GTR?

The Koreans won't allow it. The Forte Koup is all HKA will let Kia have in terms of a sporty coupe. I think the plan is for Hyundai to be to Kia what Acura is to Honda. That's the way it seems, at least.

As a Genesis owner I'll put in my input.

The Texas Navy plate is pretty darn badass.

That plate is shaped like a bear.

I'm campaigning for the F1 Grand Prix of The Republic of Texas.

F1 could win my heart if there was a Republic of Texas Grand Prix. As a Texan, it's the kind of thing I'll get a kick out of. And the kind of thing that will piss off everyone else.

I'm still confused. There will be two F1 races in the U.S.? Or is Texas getting the boot?

The Cobb one is the only one I like.

Well, the problem with the 3rd Gen Camaro is that most of them have had their horns, and armrests removed.