Spiderman, Non-Italian Imposter of Italian Spiderman.

As one of the (relative) youths, and one that could actually afford this new, I find ‘Dark Horse’ dumb. I just hear the Katy Perry song in my head when I read about it. The name alone radiates big “I promise I’m a tough guy” energy.

Impossible. I’ve been told my entire life, by nearly everyone, EV’s are better for the globe than ICE’s.

Even then, wouldn’t one of the Mopar crate engines have made a little more sense, given the DaimlerChrysler thing, plus Daimler’s own little jaunt with Hemi V8s in the 60s.

This reads like something off of r/carscirclejerk!

Lando Norris looks like a twink in these photos.

Hagerty is great, their online editor is a piece of shit.

Buckle up, losers. I’m gonna kick you some more.

In the way that it’s designed and laid out like a real ass, actual city because CDPR hired and consulted with real life civil engineers, architects, and city planners.

Every single other open world game that takes place in a metropolitan city both looks and feels like a fake video game city. They don’t feel like

Look who’s mom isn’t a blabber mouth 

Man, as someone in a hot location, screw leather in its many, many forms. Give me alcantara or cloth, dang it. Does not burn butt.

We want bikes. Invite your sport bike friends! I’ll even work out a discount rate because you take up less room...

Road to Hana on Maui isn’t particularly well known, but it’s an incredible drive. It’s a strange combination of good quality asphalt, but many one-lane sections, seriously old and decrepit looking bridges and treacherous cliff edges. There aren’t many opportunities to drive quickly, but anything more than 30 MPH (25

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

I remember the good ol’ days when if you crashed you just blamed Pastor Maldonado. Now things are so complicated...

what is wrong with you