Ryan Stewart

She is the kind you fuck in the car. Absolute demon but you dont want her to know where you live.

I just love the hypocrisy of it.  Normally Id be on-board but when youre speaking in the pulpit and talking about family values you prboably shouldnt be spouting about the loss of american “family” values while your pedohile husband is at home watching the kids as you give a handy at Beetlejuice... 

I appreciate your cooperation. You are an ally to the autistic.

Oh yeah, he def got a nipple out and was “tuning in Tokyo” if you know what I mean.

You like 6ft tall, blonde, triathlete guys?  If so were working with some synergy here.  

Her divorce (that isnt even close to over so were watching a married woman give a guy a handy in public) AND public anxiety. Because when I am anxious in public I also reach for the nearest cock, real calming...

Interesting to have thinkpieces about the patriarchy or whatever that basically take any agency she might have out of the equation.

By the fucking skin of our teeth (the EC votes hide just how close it was in purple states) and those shitbags have been fucking with the system ever since.

3 eggs is a LOT to me if she is eating the whole egg. Im a 180lb guy who works out regularly and Im usually doing overnight oats or yogurt and granola for breakfast.

Have we reached the “normal shaming” phase? 

Not to mention an entire generation younger and was a scholarship athlete.  

So I dont know what the fuck wolf tickets are but I fucking LOVE that phrase now, I hope Im not ruining it by being an old fuck using it.  

In his defense, you know that was the word that was going to cut the deepest to a guy like mccarthy.  

Man, as a white dude, the confidence of mediocre white men astounds me. Like I know who I likely could, and who I likely couldnt, take in a fight. Its hilarious when my dad gets aggressive and emotion with me too now because Im 31 years younger and have about 40lbs of muscle on him (not to mention reach being a good

My only concern is I have a lot of elderly relatives and not certain I could secure a rental on a random tuesday afternoon during an emergency. During covid you couldnt even get a V8 vert mustang in winter...

Concur, maybe more than 50 but I could easily do 95% of my driving with an 80-90 mile range in any weather, and then know I can switch to gas if I need to make a quick trip up to Memphis 6 hours away if something were to happen to a grandparent. That kind of stuff is keeping me from an ev...

But it solves the “only car” dilemma for a lot of people.  

He more comes off as the needy little kid who was always AROUND despite nobody ever inviting him to anything, always trying to be part of your group but nobody actually liked him.  He would do or say anything to be cool but that very fact prevented him from being cool.

Sounds like attempted murder...

Lol 46? Hate does age you because he looks like shiiiiiiiit.