Ryan Stewart

People who acknowledge their mistakes, apologize, and are ultimately held accountable should be allowed to land on their feet eventually. The extent of his transgressions hardly meets the threshold for “unforgivable”. He resigned from the Senate, went through the cancellation spectacle, and now (5 years later), people

According to Stanford (per the LA Times and other outlets), the alleged sexual assault was “an unwanted kiss.” That seems like pertinent info, particularly where the linked article never mentions “rape.”

All hail Geordie La Forge.

Its been working for rolls 

Alternate headline: Car thief gets shot, accomplices flee on foot

Let’s not forget these staffing shortages were caused by laying off their staff the minute it was legal to do so after taking $50bn in bailouts.

Probably because it's still white as hell with fast tracks to white as hell places

So, while I get your point, if you’re in a 45mph zone and you have this sign almost 275 ft before the beginning of the turn (easily 300 ft if you consider you see it before you blow by it at some ridiculous speed) and then the next sign on the left 140 ft before the turn.....

Remember when The Root called out Hamilton’s cast for being a bunch of miscast darker-skinned actors playing white people? In fact, I believe only one white character was actually played by a white actor!

For the most part, though I think Whit3es tend to go conservative pretty quickly as they age. I know Asians used to be solidly conservative until the 80's and all the “Real American” rhetoric alienated them.

“For centuries darker-skinned Afro-Latinx people have been erased from Latinidad, but we will be forgotten no more. We are tired of being maids and background dancers and will continue to push back until we are seen and heard. Indeed, Lin Manuel Miranda ‘fell short.’”

Regardless, the forgiveness cycle for men behaving badly is quite short

James has become your stand-in for perfection, a state that is hard to envision unless it is shrunk to the dimensions of a person, place, or thing.

I dream for a magic variant that you can’t get if you take the virus remotely seriously, and is otherwise 100% lethal.  

Mike sounds so much like Hank. I am imagining Hank doing these narrations (I mean he IS, but that is my head-toon)

The expression on his face as he says this is priceless.

Whelp, they can be just as sorry in jail. Fine by me. Then let’s see them navigate the life of an ex-felon what with losing their right to vote, struggling to find a job, or a place to live.

Sadly, these people are going to see a few dozen months at most while a black kid steals a pack of gum from a store he will spend years in prison — if he isn’t shot by the police. The “oops, my bad!” defense will work each and every time. 


She is acting in a role where she has to wear a wig (see her Instagram post from 10/28/2020).  The wig needs to fit to her head tightly and braiding your hair close to your head is one of the best ways to do that.