Ryan Stewart

Anyone who came away from that CNBC interview not thinking “dipshit” is a dipshit themselves.

that is why she is getting it in now, before the republicans in congress start pushing a ban on no-fault divorce.  

Just remember he isnt correcting him because its the right thing to do, he is correcting him because he knows its what is necessary.  Neither of them would have issue with the fact the guy did something horrible, he is telling him “this is how you keep from facing consequences for doing something horrible.”

Its that she doesnt want to talk about guns at all, blame everything else. ITs what they normally do.

I mean it became pretty clear a while ago that the idea of her being a hip, progressive, queer woman (who knows, the latter might still be true, can be queer and still a huge POS) was just to get what she wanted, which was money.

Alabama doesnt have an Atlanta to push back so they actually hired the moron.

They were already the epitome of disingenuous SJWs before the “rape on campus” BS but the basically destroyed any cred they might have ever had.  Its really just a gossip site now.  

And he only HAD to server her because her team was not responding.

Gotta love how you keep trying to push this narrative that he strategically, personally served her while giving that speech instead of the reality that it was a requirement he had to serve her because her team was not responding, so his lawyers hired a process server who probably looked her up and saw the first

Didnt she also beat the crap out of her wife?  Seems like there could be considerably better heroes out there to constantly drag out as an example of the persecuted than a rich woman who abuses their partner who got caught with drugs in a fascist dictatorship.  

They are really trying ot make the serving of the papers a THING aren’t they, its jezebels “fetch.”

At this point just ask Mike Judge for the winning lottery numbers.  

This isnt really a sperm donor is it but a 3rd party? Like the guy in Kansas who “got stuck with child support as a sperm donor” when it turned out he had sex with the woman who gave birth to the child as a 3rd party and was then pursued when she ended up on pubic assistance.

Was his initial stop considered criminal though? If it wasn’t but just under question that seems legit. Sounds like he wasn’t around for the murder and he didn’t know his encounter was going to lead to that.

Im confused, are they saying that because he was a whore she isnt repsonsible for jumping on his dick too? Like something about promiscuous men just MAKES a married woman do this?

This makes me feel good, mainly to know that she is just as shitty a dancer as I am.

People kept telling me trump could be president because he was a good business man and master negotiator. Some people just want to get conned.

I also love that he bitched about the food.  Dude made it a whole thing to the right-wingers about how twitter people were worthless because they got free lunches, what did you expect? 

I know its funny to laugh but you shoudl all know this is an obvious money laundering scheme, crypto for crypto and capped at 10k to stay under fed radar.

No, sadly, its legit. Apparently dave never got his mind back when he lost it after fleeing the tv show.