
As someone with autism, fuck you extremely hard.

The movie lucked out that he was killed in the third film, so they didn’t have to explain his absence.

I’m calling it now: this is a stealth sequel and the house actually is M3GAN. Given how that movie ended, it’s not remotely a stretch. And what other reason could there be for a tease of “what I actually look like” in the trailer?

He seems to be avoiding another big part of why people hated the death, that the previous season had spent numerous episodes faking Glenn’s death before revealing he was still alive, which was then abruptly rendered totally pointless. I’ll go to my grave believing this cliffhanger went down the way it did because they

Tortoise Media, which as I write this is the only source for this story, is a far right podcast strongly tied to Boris Johnson, and best known for screaming about trans people. Neil Gaiman has been hugely critical of Johnson ever since he came onto the public scene, and is currently doing multiple projects with strong

I imagine one cast member almost murdering another in an anti-gay hate crime tended to distract attention from this part.

Worth noting is that his original script for Chinatown had a comparatively upbeat ending with the villains getting their just desserts. It was Polanski who insisted on making it an utterly cynical and downbeat ending, which Towne eventually made peace with, but I do wonder how that would have caught on. The Two Jakes

Weird, everyone’s been screaming at me that it’s terrible because Carmy and Syd still don’t fuck in it.

It’s pretty jaw-dropping just how many of the movies’ actors they got to come back for this show, including many who you wouldn’t blame at all for never wanting to think of it again. Though they still haven’t touched The Next Karate Kid, and I’m still holding out some hope that Hilary Swank, Michael Ironside, and

His character in Rambo 2 really doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with the other villains like he is. He clearly has no choice about abandoning Rambo at the prison camp and has a ton of remorse about it, but still gets nailed in the balls at the end.

The big question is if they’ll actually acknowledge the potential plot hole of Laenor still being alive, which means Seasmoke shouldn’t want a new rider.

I’m most excited to see if the show is going to stick to the book’s conceit that all the Tullys of this era have the names of Muppets. Lord Grover’s been mentioned several times, but his grandson Elmo and great-grandsons Kermit and Oscar may be pushing things on a TV show in a way that the book could just barely get

Up in heaven, he just made Jessica Walters squeal again.

Also, the fans themselves pretty much taught her to think of any kind of criticism as unfair oppression by coming to her defense so vocally during the whole period where the Catholic Church was attacking the books, rather than just ignoring them.

Just imagine how fucked WB’s finances are that they’re still hanging onto doing business with her.

Is there any follow-up to her being the daughter of the insane preacher? That was an extremely bizarre excuse for a half-baked twist and I’d hope there was some actual point to it here.

I’m very surprised that Diego Luna becoming one of the current most loved and acclaimed Star Wars actors doesn’t seem to have led to much of a rediscovery of this movie.

Or you could be like Joe Hill and not use your famous parent’s name professionally.

“You see, the nightmare of schizophrenia is not knowing what’s real. Imagine the things most important to you, people, places, were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be?” Christopher Plummer bites into that speech like a McRib.

There will never be a supervillain origin to match Ock’s tentacles wiping out the surgical team.