
Supposedly, the original script made clear that Harry subconsciously knew the truth all along, and the butler’s explanation was just in his head as he finally admits it to himself. But then they managed to remove every single reference to this so it just comes across as the real guy.

He presumably read the script before he took the role.

A bunch of people are celebrating on Twitter because they think he’s Bill Cosby. There’s going to be some awkward feelings tomorrow.

Dude, your biggest movie role was all about maliciously slandering a dead woman as a slut. Sit down.

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Jodie from Soap is very imperfect representation, with the writing pulling in all kinds of trans stuff that the show was in no way equipped to handle properly, but his actual scene of forcing his brother to accept that he really is gay after several episodes of thinking he’s joking is incredible.

The best part is how the network wouldn’t let them do explicit queer stuff in the first two seasons, to which they seemed to deliberately make the innuendos as dumb as possible to draw attention to what people should be hearing.

I remember watching as a kid and finding something indefinably different about how the drag aspect was entirely incidental, and the female characters were fully developed beyond “Look, it’s a guy in a dress.”

Cool, another Saw X type movie where we’re completely rooting for the bad guy. That’s not sarcasm, to be clear, I loved that movie.

There’s also Leslie Nielsen as the racist father of his love interest, who at one point fantasizes about him chowing down on watermelon, and never gets any comeuppance.

I feel like I might have created this movie with my mind.

There were definitely vibes between her and Alicent early on.

Also from Tywin regarding that opening scene: “Anyone who needs to say ‘I am the king’ is no king.”

To any non-book readers, no, you didn’t just forget that Alicent and Viserys had a fourth child. One of the weirder adaptation choices in Season 1 was that Daeron was never even mentioned once, and we only had a statement from the producers to let us know he hadn’t just been cut completely and was in Oldtown.

Nobody complained about Lucy in Fallout. What is the difference between this show and that one?”

The funny thing is, there’s so many legit criticisms you can make of this show, with this week’s episode in particular having some narrative decisions just as baffling as turning half of Book of Boba Fett into Season 2.5 of The Mandalorian. But these idiots can only whine about the lack of white men, so there’s

For bonus points, Peppermint went up directly against Rambo himself in Last Blood, and actually managed to top it in offensive evil Mexicans.

That’s a myth; he was named after Groening’s father and the Day of the Locust character is just a hilarious coincidence.

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One of my all time favorite pieces of acting from him was in Dirty Sexy Money, a show now overshadowed by its terrible second season where it got executive meddled to death, but that first season was fantastic, and the end of the second episode where his decades-long suspicion of his wife’s affair is finally confirmed

The one big thing I’ve heard about the show from people who saw it in Australia is that one of the main characters goes fully psychotic fundamentalist Christian when they learn the truth about Lucy, declaring that God is the only one who should create life and she’s from Hell, and somehow the show still expects us to

Is it going to the have Game of Thrones theme song or the House of the Dragon theme song?