
And now it has the baggage of Juliana Margolies’ cheering on the massacre of Palestinians.

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I’m amazed people don’t talk more about Alexis Normand’s, where she completely blanked on the lyrics after a few lines and ended up having to be helped through it by a bunch of Canadians.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall when someone on the Minions crew realized they would have to deal with how the Minions would definitely have been Nazis.

Plus Season 2 of 24, where the bad guys were three Middle Eastern countries...and that’s literally all we know because the crew was clearly terrified of naming any actual countries so they’re always just referred to as “the three countries.”

Boy, was it weird last year when at the exact same time we got a True Lies TV show, and a show where Arnold Schwarzenegger is a spy hiding his job from his suburban family, and they were two separate things.

Also, Cameron was going through a divorce from Linda Hamilton, so a lot of people suspected he was using the whole subplot to torture her by proxy.

And a role that’s pretty much the only part of the story that the show is absolutely locked into, after Joffrey told the whole thing to Margaery back on GOT.

It was incredible to see her put aside all the behind the scenes drama and pay tribute to Luke Perry by guest-starring on Riverdale as the random woman who Fred sacrificed his life to save.

The shooter was a Republican, and that’s all that’s going to matter to anyone dumb enough to still be undecided. Their ability to message off it is dead.

Kite Man is what the original Harley Quinn crew was making while a new crew took over that show’s fourth season, so don’t let any quality drop there dissuade you from it.

I was thinking Brideshead Revisited.

“the acting he did on Saturday Night Live.”

I just adore the whole story behind Wuthering Heights, where two months after Jane Eyre made a huge splash, the writer’s little sister who was just known as a creepy weirdo who went on hours-long solitary walks through the moors put her own book out. No one had any idea what to expect, and what they got was a super

For me, CK’s unquestionably greatest moment was presenting the Documentary Short Oscar, calling it his favorite category because it brings attention to great artistry that badly needs it, and every single award makes a genuine difference to the person who gets it. That kind of thoughtfulness getting buried under his

I might have done this with my mind.

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Time was, your lead star deliberately kicking someone in the head would not only be cheered on, but actually be put in the movie.

Over the last few weeks it’s kind of felt like everyone just got bored of this story and let her off the hook. Nice to see some gender equality there, I guess.

One odd effect of the Ambrosius stuff, which I’m pretty sure wasn’t intentional, is that it completely undoes how creepy we were supposed to find Deep’s romances with sea animals in previous seasons. Now that we know he actually can communicate with them on this level, and they’re intelligent and genuinely consenting,

This was written by J. Michael Straczynski, which is literally the only thing that remotely has me interested.

ALF was by all accounts absolute hell to film, with the sets being a maze of dangerous trapdoors for the puppeteers, and just about all the actors hating each other. You’d never know it from his performance, which hit the perfect ET-lite note throughout the whole show. And good for him getting out of the business